HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: It’s Okay, That’s Love Episodes 7-8 (1/3)

are you okay

From sworn enemies to star-crossed lovers, Jae Yeol and Hye Soo have come a long way since episode one of It’s Okay, That’s Love and I have loved every single minute I’ve spent watching these two on their inevitable journey towards each other.

didn't beat me too much

Naturally, the journey these two destined lovers are on is full of twists, turns and road blocks but it’s all part of the process of getting them where they need to be, so it’s all good… Even when it appears to be anything but good. Take the incident with Jae Bum, for example. Having your violent, older brother sneak up out of nowhere and jab a syringe full of water in your neck before beating the tar out of you and smashing you through storefront window, while you’re on your way to meet up with the girl you’ve been after for quite a while, would seem like a rather big hindrance in your relationship but turns out, it’s actually quite beneficial. I was almost as surprised by Hye Soo’s reaction to Jae Yeol’s run-in with his brother, as he was. I was really expecting her to be more hurt and offended when Jae Yeol didn’t show up but I guess there really is more to her than the tough exterior she likes to display and I’m happy she didn’t this rather unusual moment to display a little genuine tenderness pass her by. (Especially considering the rest of these episodes were full of nothing but passive aggressive teasing and tormenting of poor Jae Yeol.)

teasing kiss

As happy as Jae Yeol was to hear Hye Soo call herself his girlfriend, I wonder if he really knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to pursue her. I’m sure he had some idea but I’m really wondering if he knew just how much of a handful Hye Soo would be. Talk about a tease! Hye Soo may have issues with intimacy but that doesn’t mean she’s clueless when it comes to men. Goodness! It’s like she knows every button to push to drive Jae Yeol crazy and just when you think he’s going to explode, she turns around and walks away and he’s left standing there, wondering what the heck just happened. If it weren’t for Jae Yeol’s ability to give back to Hye Soo all the crap she gives him, I’d say this relationship was doomed but as it is, Jae Yeol can be just as much of a punk as Hye Soo and I think that’s what’s really making this relationship work. I just don’t think any other man in Hye Soo’s life has ever been able to see past Hye Soo’s condition, to the heart of the matter, until Jae Yeol came around and he’s doing a mighty fine job of disarming her, without her even realizing it, which I like… A lot.

sick kang woo

I just wish I didn’t have this awful sinking feeling in my gut that these two happy episodes are going to give way to some rather serious issues that are going to make things more than difficult for Hye Soo and Jae Yeol. For starters, at some point Hye Soo is going to realize Jae Yeol’s adorable friend, Kang Woo, isn’t actually a real person and I have no doubt there’s going to be some friction as she tries to decide how to go about handling this situation. At this point, I’m not really sure what she’s going to do when the moment of realization comes. I mean, I know she’s going to want to help Jae Yeol but the question is, how? Does she try to take this on herself or does she ask Dong Min to step in and help? Another issue I see, arising in the future, is Jae Yeol’s physical condition. I’m pretty sure that whatever ailment Kang Woo has, Jae Yeol also has and I have a horrible feeling that whatever it is, it’s going to be pretty major, even more major than having an imaginary friend, and that’s going to hurt to watch. Ugh! My guts are wrenching already! Of course, on top of all of this, we have Jae Yeol’s family issues which, as we’ve seen, aren’t going to get better any time soon and Hye Soo’s got a whole slew of problems of her own, which means there’s plenty to get in the way of our beloved couple’s “happy ever after”. *sigh* Just thinking about what the future may hold for our OTP makes me want to cry but I really shouldn’t get ahead of myself. For all I know, I could be getting myself worked up for nothing so I’d better just chill and see where things go from here.

i have a bad feeling about this

While I attempt to keep my overactive imagination from getting the better of me, I’d like to know your thoughts on these two episodes of It’s Okay, That’s Love. Did you enjoy Jae Yeol and Hye Soo’s spontaneous trip to Japan as much as I did? Do you have any of the same fears and worries I have about their future happiness? Am I really worrying over nothing? What about Kang Woo? What’s his connection with Jae Yeol? What else are you pondering at this point? As always, I love knowing what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!

You can find us talking about all manner of Hallyu goodness on our blogs, ZombieMamma and HallyuKnow or you can find us on Twitter @Hallyu_Tanya and @TheZombieMamma

Catch up on past It’s Okay, That’s Love posts:

Episodes 1-2: [Part 1] [Part 2]

Episodes 3-6: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

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