HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Pretty Man Episodes 11-12 (1/2)

Zombie: So is it just me, or are things kind of falling less-than-spectacularly apart for Pretty Man? I mean are the writers just so confused, they have no idea how to write their way out of this mess they’ve put themselves in or have they just given up completely?

disappointed bo tong

Tanya: I’m pretty sure Ma Te fails in a fantastic way or just gives up altogether because there is no way they can make it through four more women in 4 episodes. If you have such a strong concept at the beginning of a show I don’t understand how you can just abandon it near the end, but that seems to be what is happening here.

Zombie: I wonder if the writers of Pretty Man and Marry Him If You Dare are the same…or maybe friends…colleagues?

Tanya: Right?! They should have stuck with where they were, ratings or not. Now that it’s floundering, they seem to have lost that purpose, which sucks for those of us still watching.

Zombie: It’s very sad but since there’s nothing we can do about it, might as well dig into this story a bit… If we can…

princess gwi ji

Tanya: Let’s hash out Gwi Ji… I’m actually happy her father has put his foot down. Maybe she’s not as spoiled as they led us to believe in past few episodes.

Zombie: I’m pretty sure she’s still a spoiled brat, however, Ma Te has had a positive effect on her (shocking, I know) and I think she’ll be a better person for knowing him… One can hope anyway. I’m just glad Ma Te found a way to escape her because without daddy’s intervention, he would have been stuck with that girl FOR-EV-ER!

Tanya: One positive effect of this side-lining the plot business is that Ma Te is actually becoming a better person. He’s realizing what all of the things he had been doing previously have actually been hurting others. He’s growing and it’s a great thing for the character as a whole.

gwi ji wants to study

Zombie: Indeed! I’m actually really happy that Ma Te (and Bo Tong for that matter) have grown up quite a bit since this story began, I just wish something more would come of this maturity than a faltering crush on Bo Tong’s side and a diminishing desire to become connected with MG on Ma Te’s. There has to be more to this story than that!

Tanya: That being a selfish jerk and obsessive fangirl isn’t actually what you wanted? You don’t say…?

Zombie: I know, I’m crazy, right? Moving on, I’m fairly convinced Ma Te isn’t the son of Park Ki Suk but actually the son of Na Hong Ran. Where that will leave us at the end of it all is pretty confusing but I’m pretty sure that’s where this is all headed.

Tanya: At least that wouldn’t actually make Ma Te and David brothers because I wasn’t so sure how I felt about that. If he is Hong Ran’s son, then he’s not blood connected to David anymore.

Zombie: I don’t really have an opinion on that (weird, I know). I just don’t really care if David and Ma Te are brothers, their relationship is what it is and I don’t think adding a brotherly relationship would change things much. I could see them being on opposite sides (one being Park Ki Suk’s son and the other being Na Hong Ran’s son) being a bigger problem than if they were actually half-brothers.

going to protect bo tong

i'm going to protect you

Tanya: I was more so thinking from the view of the Bo Tong conflict they have. Somehow liking the same girl and then throwing an, “Oh hey, you’re brothers, by the way.” out there just makes things a little too soap opera for me. Speaking of Bo Tong, she hasn’t really figured herself out either. I did feel bad for the joke Ma Te played on her when he was drunk though. He may have had a ‘good’ explanation after, but how can you do that to someone you know likes you?

i love you bo tong

Zombie: He’s kinda got a cruel streak and he’s never had any qualms about hurting Bo Tong before, so why would he when he’s drunk? I do feel bad for Bo Tong. She’s so very confused right now and Ma Te’s joke only made things worse. Poor girl! I did like her turning to social media to try to figure out her love-triangle dilemma. I liked even better that Bo Tong’s mom knew exactly who she was talking about when she was asking about “Boy A” and “Boy B.”


Tanya: Throughout this whole series Lee Mal Ja has been a very no-nonsense person and I love that Bo Tong has someone grounded in her life. If she had a flighty mother in addition to everything else that was going on, she would be a train wreck.

Zombie: I wonder what would happen if Bo Tong followed her mom’s advice and decided David was a better choice for her. I could see her and David living the rest of their lives together quite happily while Ma Te is left to contemplate why all of his past mistakes have left him to live a life of miserable loneliness.

Tanya: I don’t know if he’d be miserable, but definitely not as conniving as before. Be genuine instead of taking the easy way to get what he wants. Actually working for things taught him the pride in it. He could be very successful all on his own.

my life is riding on it

Zombie: I would like to see him become successful, all on his own. It would be good for him to become a man of worth rather than a mooching sleeze-bag. Moving on…how about David’s sacrifice for Bo Tong? Do you think anything will come of that? He’s already gotten a hug from her and been able to freely admit he loves her… Is that enough to make him putting his entire life on the line worth it?

Tanya: While it was admirable and all, I don’t think it’s going to change a whole lot.

bo tong realizes davids feelings

Zombie: Maybe not with Bo Tong but I’m pretty sure it’s going to have a huge impact on his life! Na Hong Ran isn’t the type of person to just sit back and let a new heir mess up her plans to rule the world (or at least MG).

Tanya: David’s life will probably see a lot of conflict, but if Ma Te is her son, like we both think he is, somehow I don’t think Hong Ran is going to be as fierce a tiger as we think. Whether it’s Ma Te, Moon Soo, or David, someone is going to get that company. Why not tame yourself a little and at least give it to your own offspring?

prosecutor lee kim

Zombie: So there are two weeks left and we’re on woman #6. Do you think Ma Te will be able to pull off the impossible task Gwi Ji’s father set for him? Do you think he’ll learn another valuable lesson from Prosecutor Lee Kim or just decide none of this is worth it anymore and just walk away?

Tanya: How do I say this eloquently? Maybe through use of meme?

Zombie: And on that note, I think it’s time we end this conversation and hope for better things  next week. *fingers crossed*

So what are your thoughts on this week’s episodes? Can you find any sense in this week’s happenings that maybe we’ve missed? Share your thoughts in the comments below and we’ll be back next week to discuss more Pretty Man.

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