HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Pretty Man Episodes 15-16 (2/2)

Tanya: Holy ending Batman. It was too easy, but seriously, let’s backtrack and talk about other stuff first!


Zombie: So I was a little disappointed in David’s reaction to Bo Tong and Ma Te at the beginning of Episode 15. He was way too surprised to find out Bo Tong was Ma Te’s passcode. C’mon man! You know they’ve been friends for years and that Bo Tong’s been in love with Ma Te the entire time you’ve known her. This is not rocket science! It’s a stinking K-Drama! Get with it already!

Tanya: At least when David realized that he wasn’t going to be able to change her mind and pretty much told her to stop being stupid. Obviously Ma Te loves her too because we need a show, and also the obvious signs like “I named a company after you” and “I’m going to start hugging you a lot when I used to act disgusted by you.” Dude even painted her toenails. So although David had to wallow in that moment of self-pity, he came out of it before the end of the show. Enough to help Ma Te via his brother at MG Group.

painting toenails

Zombie: I have to admit, I liked that whole toenail painting scene. It was cute and sweet and Bo Tong’s reaction was just adorable. Speaking of which, Ma Te’s wink at Bo Tong during the photo shoot was just too cute, as was her reaction. It’s nice to know that when they get their acts together, they make a really cute couple. Though someone needs to give them some lessons in kissing. Holy lame kiss Batman! That ranks right up there with the lame sauce kiss at the end of Heartstrings!

Tanya: I don’t disagree, but you could tell they were trying not laugh and that made it slightly endearing. Eventually they’ll get that it’s okay to kiss back. In fact, audiences prefer when they do, although I’m not calling for all out makeout sessions.

lame sauce kiss

Zombie: I’m not either, I’d just like for there to be a little sincerity and perhaps a little passion behind a kiss that’s suppose to define their entire relationship. When you’re madly in love with someone, it’s very obvious when you kiss. Just saying…

Tanya: I was happy they let Dae Shik and Mal Ja have more screen time with these last two episodes. It should have been like that the whole time in my opinion. They are funny and very often more insightful than the main characters… And Hoon is adorable.

hoon and mom

Zombie: I couldn’t agree with you more on that one! They’re some of the best characters in the show and I would have loved to have seen them more throughout the entire series. And yes, Hoon is absolutely adorable. I’d love to see him with a bigger role in another drama; if he can get away from touring long enough to do so. That would be daebak!

Tanya: Okay, let’s hash out this ending because there are so many aspects of it. Overall, it was too easy. Yu Ra decides to have a conscience and just up and leaves. The hacker, aka woman number 7, didn’t really serve a purpose other than to stir up trouble. And then we get to Bo Tong and Hong Ran, both of which were a little anticlimactic.


Zombie: While they could have easily done without most of the women in this show, #7 did serve a purpose as she feed illegal information to Attorney Lee to help bring about the end of Ma Te’s bogus fraud charges. As for women 8-10, they were some of the most disappointing of the entire show and they should have been the most important. I don’t really understand how the strongest women of this entire show can have such sudden and dramatic changes of heart. It doesn’t make sense to me at all and the only explanation I can come up with is that the writers just wanted to end this show with as many “happily ever afters” as possible and that was the only way to get it done.

Tanya: Speaking of women, there is hope for all second male leads everywhere. They gave David a potential love interest at the end! And the heavens shall open up, for we will rejoice.

david's future love

Zombie: I’m glad David isn’t doomed to be alone for all of eternity because he really does deserve to be loved.

Tanya: If I were Ma Te, I don’t know if I would have been so quick to accept the fact that my friend sold out my company to a competitor and put me into legal trouble. THAT was too easy, for real. And then not turning him into the police… followed by opening up a restaurant with him? We have a meme for that.

Zombie: Ha ha! I found that, combined with Ma Te’s ability to apologize for being born and then call Hong Ran a beautiful person, to be WAY out there! Where did all of this abundance of grace come from? Wasn’t it only a few episodes ago he was a selfish, self-absorbed, uncaring jerk?

gracious ma te

Tanya: You just led into my number one complaint about this drama. There was no actual concept of time. We knew things were happening and in what order, but was it 16 days? Or was it months? The only definitives we got were: it was Christmas, then it wasn’t and at the end of 16 when Ma Te says he waited a year to propose again.

Zombie: We can only assume this story unfolded over months at least but how many is certainly a mystery. I’m going to have to say that it took at least a year, if not longer to get Ma Te and the others from where they started off to where they ended up. Such dramatic changes in heart and character don’t just happen overnight, though maybe in Drama Land they do…

Tanya: If they would have taken the time to give us that concept of time, it would have given us much more appreciation of the struggles and trials the characters had to go through, in addition to making the overall story seem more real. And honestly, evil villainesses don’t just decide to be nice and change in less than five minutes. She must have a switch.

Zombie: Or a button…

button button who's got the button

Tanya: I see what you did there… Honestly though. There are just some small changes that could have made this drama much more than it was. At least it fit its genre though. It was a romantic comedy in its own right.

Zombie: It may not be the best ever written but it had its good points and since the characters learned some valuable lessons and became better people, and everyone got a happy ending, I’m satisfied with it, overall.

Tanya: I am too honestly. As a whole, it was a silly story with decent lessons. The best? No, but no one has ever gotten a perfect score on the Tanya-scale. While certain aspects of the ending may have been a little unrealistic, overall I don’t feel bad about. Rating: Still better than Marry Him If You Dare.

Zombie: Seriously! If only they’d done something about that kiss…

Tanya: How many stars shall we give this one?

Zombie: I say we give it a 3 out of 5; good for what it was but could have been better. I also think we should rate these dramas with zombies, rather than stars. (Stars are so overdone!)

chibi 1chibi 3.2chibi 2.2

Tanya: I completely agree. Watchable, but not one I’m going to die if I miss… And zombies it is!

What rating would you give Pretty Man? Were you satisfied with the ending or would you have liked to have seen things turn out differently? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

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