HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: The Greatest Marriage Episode 10

crazy mother

Hey everyone! It’s that time again! Time for Hallyu Tanya, Drama Debussie and me to discuss this week’s episode of The Greatest Marriage and as usual, we have much to say. Care to join us?

So tell me, what did you think of this week’s episode of insanity? Did you feel at all sorry for Tae Yeon as he broke into tears over and over again? How about Ki Young and her crazy mother? What the heck is up with that woman? Stealing the baby? Really? How is that going to solve anything? How do you feel about Yun Hee’s budding relationship? What are your thoughts on Myung Yi and her position now that she’s lost her baby? You know we love to hear what you’re thinking so be sure to let us know by leaving us a comment below!

If you want to hear more from Hallyu Tanya, Drama Debussie and Zombie Mamma you can always follow them on Twitter @Hallyu_Tanya@DramaDebussie and @TheZombieMamma (No, really, you should follow them… They really love hearing from you!)

Catch up on all of our reviews of The Greatest Marriage here:

Episodes 1-2

Episodes 3-4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

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