Hallyu Zombie’s Drama Review: Pretty Man Episodes 3-4 (1/2)

Last week’s episodes had us a bit worried about the direction of Pretty Man but episodes 3-4 have given us hope as they brought us Ma Te’s first real set of women challenges, a new conquest and a new hairdo!

New Hair

Tanya: I seriously hope they change his hair with every woman. That would be epic… and hilarious!

Zombie: That would be fantastic!

leg peacock

Tanya: Bo Tong is still trying to sell those damn socks, but I personally think that sock.leg peacock is amazing… Creepy, but amazing. I’m still having trouble with the complete devotion that Bo Tong has for Ma Te even though there has never been any sort of relationship really.

Zombie: After these two episodes, I can see they’ve at least been semi-friendly acquaintances for quite a while, which is good because I was seriously wondering about them last week. That being said, why on earth would Bo Tong be so crazily devoted to Ma Te when it’s apparent he’s never given her the time of day?

Give Me A Ride

Tanya: She’s crazy? It’s definitely an unhealthy obsession. One that makes her take advantage of other people… for example, Choi David giving her rides to deal with Ma Te’s problems. Even when he’s selfish and leaves her behind.

Zombie: I feel so bad for David! We’re only four episodes in and he’s already completely head-over-heels for Bo Tong! This doesn’t bode well for him or those of us who find him absolutely adorable! You know he (and we) are just going to cry every time he does something sweet for Bo Tong because we all know it’s never going to change how she feels about him. He’s doomed to be the sweet yet always over-looked second who will get hurt over and over again as he watches Bo Tong and Ma Te’s relationship develop.

sad david

Tanya: Forever alone. I think that may be a good thing in the end though because David and Bo Tong are super similar characters. Minus the whole obsession thing, they even THINK the same thing at the same time. It would be a little…. weird?

Zombie: It probably would be…eventually…but it’s still sad that such a sweet guy is doomed to pain and suffering for the next twelve episodes.

yu ra and the fairy

Tanya: ‘Tis only a flesh wound! Sorry…Speaking of manipulative people: Yu Ra and the Electric Fairy. Playing both sides is NEVER a good idea. We see Ma Te get engaged, then the subsequent break up as Jackie decides she loves money more, but they’re not done yet! Yu Ra then decides he has to conquer the Fairy, who is working with the evil mother-in-law and playing Yu Ra herself.

worth your while

Zombie: I certainly wasn’t expecting the Fairy to be in cahoots with the evil mother-in-law! I’m not really sure what she’s going to get out of this deal with the mother-in-law (or Yu Ra, for that matter) but I’m assuming it’s got to be pretty good. What I wonder is how swayed she’s been by Ma Te’s charms. You know she’s tried really hard to resist him but she’s not going to be able to hold out for long. I mean, that whole standing in the rain bit had her weak in the knees and he hadn’t even poured on the charm at that point.

ma te in the rain

Tanya: Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s always been so focused on her fortune-telling that she’s never had a legitimate relationship. I’m kind of wondering though… is she an illegitimate daughter and that’s why the mother-in-law has that kind of control over her?

Zombie: That’s an interesting possibility I’d not considered and it certainly seems plausible though if that’s the case, wouldn’t it mean Ma Te is wooing his half-sister? Ew!

Tanya: Maybe we just threw my theory out of the window then, but at the same time it could be. Maybe she made a claim but it’s REALLY, you know? The mother-in-law did say there were a lot of fakes.

jackie breaks it off

Zombie: Well, it’s not like he’s actually pursuing a relationship with her, just trying to learn her secrets… Now, my question is, if the Fairy does fall for Ma Te, how is he going to break up with her once he’s learned what he needed to know? He was fortunate enough to have Jackie call of their engagement once she realized she loved money more than Ma Te but I can’t believe he’s going to be that lucky with every other woman he has to seduce. How is a young and relationship deprived Fairy going to take Ma Te’s eventual abandonment? I’m not sure you really want to go around pissing off electric fairies…it just sounds like a bad idea.

Tanya: If she’s real, of course. I don’t know how that’s going to work, although he did tell her that he wanted her to teach him. I don’t know if it is outright seducing at this point.

Zombie: Here’s another question for ya…we know that Ma Te is out to seduce these women in order to learn their secrets so that ultimately, he can learn his own. However, Bo Tong has no idea what Ma Te is actually up to and she’s going to face a whole lot of heartbreak as she watches Ma Te seduce woman after woman, without giving her the time of day. How long do you think she’s going to be able to handle all of this before she cracks?

my ma te 1

Tanya: More like how long is it going to be before Ma Te figures out he loves her and just tells her the damn truth. You have got to love this k-drama law where instead of communicating they just lie to each other. I think that she will prove to be stronger than we think though. She has stuck by him all this time without any reciprocation.

Zombie: Yes, but she’s only stuck with him from a distance. It seems like they haven’t actually had much to do with each other since they were younger and they’ve only met now because of Ma Te’s mom. I think it’s going to be harder for her now that she’s actually standing beside him. I mean things did look pretty grim for her when she learned of Ma Te’s engagement and then again when she caught him and Yu Ra hugging at the end of episode four.

Tanya: Don’t worry! Dae Shik can throw her into a reality check! Literally, of course.

Zombie: I have no doubt this is where David is really going to come into play. He’s going to be the one who offers the most comfort and consolation during all of these down-times for Bo Tong which is going to be a source of both hope and pain for David as he rides this emotional roller-coaster. Ack! The anguish of the second male lead!

noodles with david

Tanya: Definitely. Things don’t look too good for him at this point unless we get a random romantic interest for him at some point during the show. It’s happened before!

Zombie: I hope, for his sake, it happens again.

Tanya: To keep count, so far Ma Te has gone after Jackie to learn the value of money. Now the fairy to learn how to control the heart. What do you think is next?

Zombie: At this point, it’s kind of hard to say. I suppose if Yu Ra weren’t the one deciding what lesson Ma Te has to learn next, I might have a better guess but I honestly don’t know what’s going on in her head so I’m kind of at a loss as to what’s going to come next.

Tanya: How to dress woman? Maybe he can give Bo Tong lessons. Someone needs to fire the stylists for this show.

Zombie: Seriously! I understand the need to make Bo Tong look less attractive than Ma Te but really, do we have to make her look that bad?

fashion disaster

Tanya: It’s like someone stole Kim Tan’s ugly sweaters out of Heirs. *facepalm*

Zombie: What is it with these stylists, really? Why must they always dress one character in the most bizarre and horrendous outfits imaginable? It must be one of those DramaLand laws…if someone is too pretty, they must pay for it by wearing the world’s worst clothes.

Tanya: I definitely agree with that assessment.

Zombie: How important do you think these socks are going to be before the end? I can see them becoming the source of Ma Te’s wealth and power or becoming his demise.. There’s also the possibility he’ll give them all to Bo Tong to deal with and they’ll become her source of wealth and power. Any thoughts on them or are they just a plot device to introduce us to these characters which will eventually be forgotten?

Tanya: You know, I’m not really sure. They are kind of annoying but so far they have brought all of our main characters together somehow. The socks could be the secret that his mom was keeping somehow? And Yu Ra is exploiting that? There aren’t enough dryers in the world that could eat all of those socks…

Zombie: I wouldn’t be sad if the socks disappeared…or at least that crazy leg peacock tail Bo Tong insists on wearing in every. stinking. episode.

Tanya: Ma Tae is going to confess to her and she will STILL be wearing that sock peacock. I can just see it now!

Zombie: Ugh! I don’t even want to think about it! Speaking of confessing…I’m happy this week brought with it a little more development in the relationship between Ma Te and Bo Tong as well as the first few sparks of jealousy.

Tanya: From both sides actually! I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that even Ma Tae got jealous over David and he doesn’t even acknowledge Bo Tong most of the time. Like, “Dude, you’ve already got it bad, but you’re forever in denial.”

so annoyed

Zombie: There’s nothing like a little unacknowledged jealousy to make me smile. It’s only a matter of time before Ma Te realizes the only woman he needs is the one that’s right beside him.

So what are your thoughts on episodes 3-4? Does anyone have a theory on the socks? Or an idea of what Ma Te’s next challenge will be? When do you think he’s going to realize his feelings for Bo Tong are more than platonic? Will David be doomed to lonely second forever? What is the electric fairy really up to? We’d love to know what you think so share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below or tweet at us @Hallyu_Tanya & @TheZombieMamma. We love tweets.

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