color bars

OH HAPPY AND MOST GLORIOUS OF DAYS! VIXX TV is back with a brand new season and well, you know me… I just couldn’t let this most momentous of occasions go by without saying something! 

finally back

As you all know, when Season One of VIXX TV ended, back in May, every Starlight in the world felt as if their heart had been broken and their spirit had been crushed (well, this Starlight did anyway…) as it meant saying goodbye to our weekly encounters with our beloved VIXX but today, all of that heartache has been forgotten because VIXX TV is back! WOO-HOO!

Kicking off this season of VIXX TV our beloved boys have presented their Starlights with a gift and what better present to give, when you’re a band, than a song? Composed and apparently produced by Ravi (with a little help from Ken) VIXX have presented us with a “logo song” to welcome us back to VIXX TV and it’s so adorably cute, I melt into a puddle of fangirl goo every time I listen to it. (And yes, that would mean I’ve watched this episode more than once… What Starlight hasn’t?)

working hard

As if bringing back VIXX TV today wasn’t enough, VIXX has decided to completely slay all Starlights today by announcing they’ll be making a comeback next month with “the strongest concept since their debut” and… OH MY GIDDY AUNT! I THINK I’M DYING!

voodoo groupI’m such a sucker for VIXX’s darker concepts and this comeback is promising to be the “strongest” yet which has me pleading with all the K-Pop gods in the universe to make this upcoming concept one that is dark, dangerous and beyond beautiful. (Oh please! Oh please! Oh please!)

On and On group

Will this comeback be all I’m hoping for? I have no idea and quite frankly I wouldn’t care if VIXX made a comeback in their pajamas, as long as they made a comeback. In my world, there’s never enough VIXX and I can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for us! Here’s hoping the next episode of VIXX TV will give us some sort of a clue. *fingers crossed*

Hyde group 1While we wait, I want to know, what are you most looking forward to with VIXX’s next comeback? Is there a concept you’d love to see them try? How about this new season of VIXX TV? Are you as happy as I am that it’s back? You know I love to hear your thoughts and I’m always more than happy to squee over VIXX so be sure to leave me a comment below!

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