ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 11-12

Merry Christmas

Oh no no no no no! This is not how things were supposed to go this week! It’s Christmas for goodness sake! We’re supposed to have happy times and romantic times and peace on earth and goodwill toward men! Not sadness and horror and OH MY GOSH! WHY MUST WE BE TORTURED LIKE THIS!?! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 11-12”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8


oh man. Oh man. Oh Man! OH MAN! OOOOHHHHHH MAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!! What the heck is this show doing to me!?! There’s so much going on my poor emotional self just can’t deal with all of it at once! I just spent the last two hours laughing, crying and squeeing (sometimes all at the same time) so much I’ve been reduced to a hot flustered mess! Luckily even in all my flusterment I think I can pull myself together to talk about these next two episodes. (Here’s hoping anyway!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8”


20 again poster

This week’s drama quickly rose to the top of my favorites list when it originally aired. The cast was fantastic, the story was touching and it brought about a lot of self-reflection on my part, which is not something a lot of dramas inspire me to do. When the drama came to an end I was sad to see it go because I felt as if I was being forced to say goodbye to a good friend. Leaving me with so many good vibes, I felt it only fitting to recommend Twenty Again as a this weekend’s drama to marathon. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Twenty Again”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 15-16

a kiss in the woods

Am I the only one who can’t believe we’ve come to the end of this drama already? I don’t know why the end took me so by surprise but it did and now here I sit, wondering what I’m going to do with my Sunday afternoons from now on. I’m really going to miss No Ra and Hyun Suk but I suppose moving on is better than dragging things out until they become unbearable. Funny how the lessons you learn in dramas can be applied to real life as well, isn’t it? Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 15-16”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 13-14

so so cute

Oh my word! If Cha Hyun Suk isn’t the most adorable thing on the face of the planet, I’ll eat my hat. Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t go that far… I mean I did see a pic of a baby pig eating ice cream the other day and that was pretty darn adorable… But I’ll take Hyun Suk’s adorable dimples and mischievous smiles over the pig any day! Especially now that he’s decided to pour on all the charm… *swoon* Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 13-14”



As a drama addict, I’ll be the first to admit there are times when a sweet, fluffy drama is the only thing I want to watch but there are times when something a little more dramatic is what I crave. In a world saturated with melodrama, it can sometimes be difficult to decide which drama I want to have satisfy that craving. My most recent over-the-top melodrama fix came in the form of a highly addicting, 20 episode drama full of ridiculous situations, family turmoil and an incredibly easy-to-love OTP. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Mask”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 11-12

at the spa 2

From bold confrontations to fluttering hearts, this week’s episodes had quite a lot going on and once again I find myself cheering No Ra on as she continues on this journey of self-discovery… self-improvement… self-awareness??? Maybe it’s all of the above? Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 11-12”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Twenty Again Episodes 9-10

going for a walk

The more I watch this drama, the more it speaks to me on a level unlike any other drama I’ve ever watched. I don’t know if it’s because I see so much of myself in No Ra or what but there’s just so much going on her in life that I can relate to, it’s almost scary. Then again, I’m not slowly winning the hearts of every man on campus with my innocent charms and hidden charisma so maybe instead of seeing myself in No Ra, I’m just wishing I can someday be as cool as she.

sweet date

You have to admit, considering everything No Ra has lived through, she’s quite an amazing person. She’s a whole lot stronger than she first appeared and I love that she’s slowly beginning to realize that. After spending the past 20 years under the oppression of Kim Woo Chul, No Ra is finally starting to see just how poisonous her marriage has been and I’m happy for that but I’m also sad that No Ra has been so mistreated without ever realizing how bad things in her marriage actually were. It broke my heart to watch No Ra on her school-assigned “date,” not because I was sad she was out having fun but because it’s taken a class assignment for her to be around a man who treats her with genuine kindness. Her classmate did nothing exceptionally extraordinary for No Ra as they spent their afternoon together, he simply asked for her opinion and was genuinely interested in what she had to say. He put her before himself and treated her like a gentleman would treat a lady and I wanted to cry for No Ra as she told Hyun Suk all about her “date.”

so cute

It makes perfect sense that Hyun Suk would be as hurt by the delight No Ra’s derives from such simple courtesies. It’s got to kill him that the woman he’s loved for all these years has spent her entire life unappreciated and unloved. I’m sure every time he sees her he thinks about how much better off she would have been had she chosen him. But he wasn’t there in whatever critical moment it was that tied No Ra’s fate to Woo Chul’s and I’m sure Hyun Suk has beaten himself up for that mistake a thousand times over. I know I gave Hyun Suk a hard time last week (and he still acted a bit childish this week) but he’s made some pretty good progress this week and he’s starting to act more like an adult and a worthy suitor for No Ra. The fact that he has moments of complete cuteness doesn’t hurt either. (That whole coffee-making scene was beyond adorable I couldn’t help but squee, just a little.)

face off

With Hyun Suk beginning to step into the role of a suitable match for No Ra, it makes sense Woo Chul would attempt to do the same. The problem is Woo Chul has no right to lay any claim to No Ra and her affections. From the brief glimpses we’ve seen of their life together, Woo Chul has never seen No Ra as anything but a burden and he’s done nothing to try to make their marriage anything more than burdensome obligation. If that weren’t bad enough, Woo Chul has been cheating on No Ra for the past four years which, in my book, means he has no right, whatsoever, to call No Ra his wife. The fact Woo Chul feels threatened by Hyun Suk’s relationship with No Ra makes me sick. Woo Chul is playing the part of the jealous lover when I doubt he’s ever once loved No Ra and I just can’t deal with that. The way I see it, Woo Chul has only started seeing any sort of worth in No Ra because everyone around him is pointing it out to him. It’s like the kid who hates his Christmas present and decides to throw it away but changes his mind at the last-minute because his cousin said it was awesome and wished he could have it. It’s not that Woo Chul actually loves his wife, he just wants to have something in his possession that makes others jealous. I’m convinced that’s the only reason he’s kept Ye Jin around as long as he has. How else would you explain that whole women on a scale scene? Had it not been for the fact Woo Chul could call himself the chairman’s son-in-law and rule the school, Ye Jin would have lost out to No Ra.

i'm sorry mom

For me, the brightest spot in this week’s episodes has to be Min Soo’s reconciliation with his mom. I think after living in the shadow of his father for all these years, Min Soo is finally starting to realize his mother is someone to be loved and cherished and that makes my heart so happy. A mother doesn’t sacrifice herself for her children because she has to, she does it because she loves them and it killed me that Min Soo took his mother’s love for granted. Now that he’s beginning to understand that his mother has given him so much more than he could possibly imagine, Min Soo can put aside the pettiness he inherited from his father and love his mother the way she deserves to be loved. I sincerely hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship between mother and son and I’m waiting for the day with Min Soo rallies to his mother’s side, her champion against the haters. (Or at least his dad.)

let's get a divorce

I’m seriously hoping No Ra and Woo Chul go through with this divorce. No Ra needs to get away from his malice and Woo Chul just needs to go jump off a cliff. I don’t need to see No Ra go running into the arms of Hyun Suk or anyone else after this divorce, I just want her to be free from the mistreatment and I want her to enjoy her life for once. After 38 years, I think it’s time she started living for herself. But what about you? What are your thoughts on this week’s episodes? Do you like where things are going? Do you think this divorce will actually go through? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!

You can catch up on all my reviews of Twenty Again here:

Episodes 1-2

Episodes 3-4

Episodes 5-6

Episodes 7-8

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