ZOMBIE’S DRAMA RAMBLINGS: The Struggles of Impossible Love, Pt. 1 – Moonlight Drawn By Clouds


I’m very painfully aware that it’s been ages since I last sat down to write anything even remotely related to dramas and I have no excuse for that other than, I suck. (Well, okay, maybe having 4 small zombies sucking away my heart, soul and free-time all summer might have a little something to do with it but “I suck” sums things up nicely and is a whole heck of a lot easier to write.) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA RAMBLINGS: The Struggles of Impossible Love, Pt. 1 – Moonlight Drawn By Clouds”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: To The Beautiful You


This week’s featured drama is another lighthearted, romantic comedy full of cuteness, fluff and cross-dressing female leads and while it may not be the world’s most profound drama, To The Beautiful You is still a fun and entertaining drama, perfect for those lazy summer days when we have nothing more to do than watch hours upon hours of adorableness. (That is the point of summer, isn’t it?) Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: To The Beautiful You”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful


Earlier this week, I was looking back over the past few months of posts, trying to decide which drama to feature for this week’s Friday Night Drama and I was mortified to find that I had yet to say anything about one of my most favorite dramas in the whole wide world, the delightfully fluffy, idol-filled treat, You’re BeautifulSo here I sit, ready to dive into what has to be the most influential drama I have ever had the pleasure to watch… Are you ready? Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful”

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