Rage Against the K-Drama Machine –  The Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Edition


So my good friend Raine (from Raine’s Dichotomy) and I spent a good portion of our day today talking about the latest episodes of Scarlet Heart: Ryeo and well, we just couldn’t get all of our feelings out in one conversation. That being the case, we decided to get together and throw ourselves a little rage party. Of course no drama rant would be complete without you, our awesome readers, so we decided to share a bit of our conversation, in the hopes that you might join us as we discuss this most amazing, infuriating, yet completely addictive drama. Continue reading “Rage Against the K-Drama Machine –  The Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Edition”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA RAMBLINGS: The Struggles of Impossible Love, Pt. 2 – Scarlet Heart: Ryeo


Out of all of the complicated loves in this currently airing set of dramas, the struggles of Hae Soo in Scarlet Heart: Ryeo seem to be the most impossible to sort out. With 18,000 princes, a king, a jealous princess and no relatives around to protect her, it’s easy to understand why Hae Soo’s life is more than a little complicated but when you throw in a tangled mess of love interests and a plot to steal the crown, you’ve got a story no drama-lover can resist.

Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA RAMBLINGS: The Struggles of Impossible Love, Pt. 2 – Scarlet Heart: Ryeo”

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