
This week’s drama to marathon is easily one of the most fun dramas I’ve watched in a long time. I laughed my way through this entire drama and squeed myself silly (okay, silly-er)  in the process. I actually had so much fun watching this drama, I couldn’t stop and ended up marathoning the entire thing myself. (Note to Self: Marathoning a drama is fine but squeeing loudly over biases at 2 AM is not advised when tiny zombies are sleeping nearby…) Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: High End Crush”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)


There was a lot more back and forth between “Is she Seung Hee or is she Jae Hee?” this week and I can honestly just about the time I’m sure of who she is, there is another twist with the character and then I’m confused all over again. In my opinion, this signals an amazing drama! I’m impressed… Let’s get into this week’s happenings. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)”

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