ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018

In my never-ending quest to come up with new and (hopefully) enjoyable content, I’ve decided to put together a collection of all my favorites from the past month. In part because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and also because I have a really hard time remembering things and I thought this would be a good way to remind myself of everything I’ve watched/listened to/ squealed over this past month. This way when I’m sitting down at the end of the year, trying to remember everything I loved about 2018, I might actually be able to come up with something more than a blank wall inside an empty brain. (Wouldn’t that be nice switch!) So to kick things off, here’s my list of January favorites. (Woohoo!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S TOP PICKS: January 2018”

For Jonghyun: You Did Well

Three weeks ago, a brilliant star let his light fade from this world and in his absence, I have struggled to find a way to deal with his passing. I know that to some it seems so silly, mourning the loss of someone so wholly unconnected to me, but I’m not writing this for those people. I’m writing this for me and for those out there who may be struggling, as I am, to find some way to say this last goodbye. Continue reading “For Jonghyun: You Did Well”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIGBANG, Jonghyun and A Whole Lot of Hopeless Fangirling


With the end of the year fast approaching, the number of K-Pop and K-Drama releases is definitely dwindling, which makes it a bit difficult to write about all the things we have to look forward to in the coming weeks because well… There’s just not that much to write about. Or is there? Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIGBANG, Jonghyun and A Whole Lot of Hopeless Fangirling”



As my quest to spice things up a bit continues, I’ve decided to dedicate this new segment to whatever it is I’m currently obsession over. I know, it’s hard to believe a fangirl such as myself could ever obsess over anything… *snickers* Well… maybe it’s more like it’s hard to believe I’m only obsessing over one thing at the moment… (Which is actually more likely to be the case.) But whatever. The point is, I’m going to start writing about whatever it is that has most recently captured my heart and to kick things off, I talking about SHINee’s Jonghyun. Or maybe I should say, Jonghyun’s solo albums… But really, Jonghyun… and his albums. *rolls eyes at myself* I’m so hopeless! Continue reading “MY CURRENT OBSESSION: Jonghyun’s Solos”

Photos of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago

Jonghyun, Minho, Key 1

Since I have all these wonderful photos from SHINee’s fanmeet in Chicago, I figured I’d share them all with you. If you follow me on any of my social media sites, you’ve already seen these but for those of you who don’t and/or haven’t seen them yet, here they are. I hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Photos of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago”

Replay: A Zombie’s View of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago

group 1

I know it seems kinda silly to be writing about a fanmeet that took place almost a month ago but couldn’t let this evening with SHINee go by without saying something. It was one of those evenings that seems almost too amazing to be real and well, I’m kinda writing this more as proof to myself that the evening actually happened, than anything else. Continue reading “Replay: A Zombie’s View of SHINee’s First Fanmeeting in Chicago”

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