K-POP ATE HER BRAIN: The Legend “Crush on You”


I know there are ten million other things I could be doing right now but sometimes you come across a song that makes you smile and then that song makes you go back and re-listen to all the other songs by that group and before you know it, you’re so over-run with feels you just have to squee somewhere. So that’s what I’m doing because seriously, The Legend is totally squee-worthy! Continue reading “K-POP ATE HER BRAIN: The Legend “Crush on You””

TUNE OF THE WEEK: Legend “Trace”


You know, sometimes you hear a song and it just hits you in a way you can’t really explain. You just heart it and it stirs something deep inside you and suddenly you can’t decide if you want to laugh or cry or squeal or scream… Basically it messes with you on every level and all you can do is sit and wonder how you’ve managed to make it through so many years of your life without this song and that’s exactly what Legend’s newest single, “Trace” has done to me. Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Legend “Trace””

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