ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 11-12

Merry Christmas

Oh no no no no no! This is not how things were supposed to go this week! It’s Christmas for goodness sake! We’re supposed to have happy times and romantic times and peace on earth and goodwill toward men! Not sadness and horror and OH MY GOSH! WHY MUST WE BE TORTURED LIKE THIS!?! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 11-12”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8


oh man. Oh man. Oh Man! OH MAN! OOOOHHHHHH MAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!! What the heck is this show doing to me!?! There’s so much going on my poor emotional self just can’t deal with all of it at once! I just spent the last two hours laughing, crying and squeeing (sometimes all at the same time) so much I’ve been reduced to a hot flustered mess! Luckily even in all my flusterment I think I can pull myself together to talk about these next two episodes. (Here’s hoping anyway!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8”

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