ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Angel Eyes Episodes 17-18

love and leave

One of the many rules of Drama Land is that things must fall spectacularly to pieces in the penultimate week so they can be miraculously stitched back together for the grand finale, which is exactly what happens in this week’s episodes of Angel Eyes

save him

Picking up where we left off last week, I had a feeling Jae Beom was going to try to kill himself in some of sort of desperate attempt to make amends for his past wrongs and though he didn’t actually kill himself, I still felt like he left this world in a rather pathetic way. Yes, he was trying to bring Dong Joo and Soo Wan back together in the only way he knew how but it still seemed rather ridiculous that he would have to die in the process. One would think that, seeing as how Dong Joo is a doctor and all, he would have had the foresight to call for help when he discovered Jae Beom lying on the floor, rather than waiting until it was too late. I suppose the writers felt that the only way for Jae Beom to be forgiven was if his death ended up being the push Ji Woon needed to confess to his crimes, which it was but still… I’d like to think that Jae Beom would have found a way to be reconciled to Dong Joo and Soo Wan, given enough time. After all, they were a family held together by some pretty strong bonds of love and I’m enough of a romantic to believe that love will eventually conquer all.

would your love make him happy

As much as I would like to think that Jae Beom would have found forgiveness in this life, I can at least be happy that he found it in the afterlife. It was very unfair to make him suffer for all those years when he was actually innocent. I cannot understand Dr. Oh’s reasoning in any of this because quite frankly, it’s just too absurd to believe! I mean, I’m a mother of four kids myself and I can fully comprehend the depths of a mother’s love but because I love my kids so much, you can bet your sweet bippy I’m going to make them own up to their mistakes and do whatever it takes to help them right their wrongs. I don’t believe covering up your children’s mistakes solves any problems and it certainly doesn’t teach your children any valuable life-lessons and if your children never learn how to handle their problems and right their wrongs, what kind of people will they be when they’re adults? Not very good ones, that’s for sure! And can I just ask… What mother in her right mind would go so far as to MURDER someone, just to keep her poor baby out of trouble? All of this nonsense makes me believe Dr. Oh has never been in her right mind and I’m pretty sure she needs some serious psychotherapy.

depressed soo wan

Speaking of which… What the heck is Soo Wan thinking, letting herself fall into such a desperate depression that she reverts to blindness? I get that life was a bit confusing and difficult to deal with at the moment but c’mon! There are so many worse things that could have happened in her life and it’s not like she was forced to deal with all of this nonsense on her own. Dong Joo has been more than willing to stick by her side, despite everything being so crazy, and Soo Wan is the bone-head who decided to push him away. If she’s going to go that far, she should at least have the strength to deal with life’s crap on her own, not fall into some pathetic, “woe is me” stupor and start acting like she’s blind again. All the doctors agreed that her blindness was self-inflicted so I call shenanigans on the whole thing! If Soo Wan would rather spend her time in the dark, shutting herself out of the world and ignoring the people who love her most, then I say she’s an idiot who doesn’t deserve the love she’s been given and I’m half tempted to say Dong Joo should just let her wallow in her self-misery for a while but he’s too kindhearted for that. (Which is probably the biggest reason why we love him so…)

feel like dying

I can’t help but feel sorry for Dong Joo as he’s trying to deal with the truth about his mother’s death and all of Soo Wan’s nonsense. Here he is, dealing with even more crap (because obviously he hasn’t dealt with enough already) and I’m sure he could really use someone beside him right now, giving him the love and encouragement anyone would need in his position but instead, he’s forced to mollycoddle Soo Wan as she throws one tantrum after another. Augh, Dong Joo! I feel your pain! I’d give you a hug if I could but I can’t so I’ll just wail and whine and do all the things you haven’t been able to do yourself. Poor man! Soo Wan had better get her act together soon! She’s got a whole lot of nonsense to atone for!

on the swings

On a somewhat lighter note, I’m really curious to see how things are going to play out with Hae Joo, Teddy and Woon Chan. It’s obvious that Hae Joo is totally smitten with Woon Chan and I’d be totally okay with that if it weren’t for the fact that Teddy is so very much in love with her and I’ve been cheering for him from the very beginning. Teddy’s just such a sweet guy and he’s so lonely, he really deserves to be loved by someone as sweet as Hae Joo. Not that Woon Chan doesn’t deserve her love, because he does, it’s just that he’s not quite as sad a figure as Teddy is, in my eyes. Which, I understand may seem a bit weird, seeing as how Woon Chan is a widower, raising a son on his own, which makes him pretty sad and pathetic, it’s just that he seems to have a better sense of direction and purpose in his life and Teddy just seems so lost. I think having someone like Hae Joo around to love and protect and care for would give Teddy a sense of stability in his life, which is something I think he’s lacking and not out of any fault of his own, it’s just what comes of being young and alone in this world. I’m kind of hoping that when Teddy and Hae Joo go to visit the Grandma, she’s use some of her wisdom to convince Hae Joo that Teddy is at least an option to consider but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


So now it’s your turn to tell me what you thought of this week’s episodes. Were you surprised by Jae Beom’s death? Were you as disappointed in Soo Wan’s reaction as I was? Were you as happy to see Dr. Oh and her cohorts come to justice as I was? Do you think Ji Woon will ever recover from this awfulness? Will he every be able to forgive himself or his mother? What about Soo Wan? It would seem that she’s got her sight back but will this freedom take her away from Dong Joo or bring her back to him? What about the Teddy, Hae Joo, Woon Chan love triangle? How do you see that one working out? I’d love to know your thoughts on all of this so be sure to leave me a comment below!


You can catch up on all of my previous reviews of Angel Eyes here:

Episodes 1-2

Episodes 3-4

Episodes 5-6

Episodes 7-8

Episodes 9-10

Episodes 11-12

Episodes 13-14

Episodes 15-16

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