ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8


oh man. Oh man. Oh Man! OH MAN! OOOOHHHHHH MAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!! What the heck is this show doing to me!?! There’s so much going on my poor emotional self just can’t deal with all of it at once! I just spent the last two hours laughing, crying and squeeing (sometimes all at the same time) so much I’ve been reduced to a hot flustered mess! Luckily even in all my flusterment I think I can pull myself together to talk about these next two episodes. (Here’s hoping anyway!)

where are you going

So last week we left Young Ho and Joo Eun under the umbrella which, let’s face it, is a pretty fantastic place to be stuck for an entire week! Young Ho certainly didn’t waste any time expressing his feelings and I’m so beyond happy Joo Eun is just as quick to admit her own. I love how neither one of these two wastes time playing games. They both know what they want and they’re neither one afraid to go after it. Sure, Joo Eun is a bit more reserved but only just enough to let Young Ho make the first move. Once he made it clear he liked her, she had no problem expressing her own feelings. I mean she did kiss back under that umbrella, run into Young Ho’s arms on the bridge and invite him to spend the night “holding hands”… That’s not exactly a subtle expression of her feelings!

hold my hand

I think this is what I love the most about Young Ho, Joo Eun and their relationship. There’s no crap. When one has something to say, it’s said right away. When feelings are hurt, they’re expressed right away. When a complication arises, they take some time to step back and reevaluate the situation, address the issue and move on. There’s no holding grudges or playing petty games, there’s just a whole lot of open, honest communication which is why their relationship works so well. They both “get” each other on a level that very few people ever reach. Sometimes there’s not even a need for words, just a simple gesture or look is enough to communicate everything that needs to be said. That hug on the bridge is a perfect example of this, as was Young Ho’s slick move with the couples scarf and their walk back to Joo Eun’s home afterwards. Just watching those two together is enough to make my heart flutter and my face flush (and I don’t even get that last part because they’re not doing anything inappropriate, they’re just overwhelmingly cute and I don’t know how else to handle it so my face gets hot and my cheeks turn pink! What in the world!?!) Of course there were a few times when their conversations got a little uhhh… What’s the word I want to use here? Suggestive? Intense? Steamy? Fabulous? I admit I may have blushed a bit more than usual during those conversations but only because So Ji Sub makes me flustered just by existing so hearing him talk like that makes me all kinds of swoony. (Young Ho really needs to stop with that whole “your body is mine” thing or I might die from an exploded heart.) Even when Young Ho is making snarky remarks as he snuggled up next to Joo Eun I couldn’t help but squee. Not that I liked the fact he was picking on her but it was so obvious he didn’t mean a word of it and she knew what he was really saying was “I like you a lot.”


While there were some seriously adorable moments between Joo Eun and Young Ho, they had a couple of rough spots too and I’m pretty sure there are more to come. With Young Ho stepping into his designated position within the company, you know things are going to get rough. There’s going to be lots of family opposition from both his grandmother and his dad (if his dad bothers to care about anything at all) and I can see those snakes within the company trying to make this relationship with Joo Eun into a much bigger deal than it should be. Especially with Woo Sik being involved in this plot to bring down Young Ho. You know he’s going to let his personal feelings drive his ambition and even though he’s the one who walked away from Joo Eun, he’s not going let her go to Young Ho without causing as much trouble as he can along the way.

why does no one like me

I can also see Soo Jin making trouble as she seems to have this horrible issue with jealousy, which is just sad. How many years of her life has she wasted trying to have what everyone else has instead of being content with what she has? It’s not like she isn’t well off. She’s got a high-ranking position within the law firm, she’s got a good income, she drives a nice car, she has all the material things anyone could ever want and yet she’s wholly unsatisfied with her life. Hmmm… Could we possibly learn an important life lesson here? On top of her jealousy, Soo Jin struggles with some serious self-esteem issues and they’re making her life utterly miserable. While I can’t condemn Soo Jin for her lack of self-esteem (as I’ve struggled with this very issue for as long as I can remember) I can tell her that until she learns to love herself as she is, she can’t expect anyone else to love her. Even if she can never fully love herself she needs to find a place where she can accept who she is and believe that, even with all her perceived shortcomings, she’s still good enough, just as she is. Until that time comes, I’m afraid Soo Jin is going to make life miserable for herself, Joo Eun and pretty much everyone else around her.

do you want to have dinner with me or...

Speaking of miserable… Poor Joon Sung! He’s being stalked by a crazy lady and he can’t get away! Okay, so I don’t think he’s all that miserable but he’s definitely been made to feel a bit uncomfortable. I mean it’s not everyday he’s attacked by a psycho celebrity who harbors a massive crush on him. Or is it??? No, it’s not and we all know that. Being the celebrity fighter that he is, Joon Sung has to be used to women liking him but Yi Jin is taking her liking to a whole other level. I guess she’s more able to get away with it since she’s a celebrity herself but I have a feeling her manager is going crazy over her sudden show of lunacy. Of course Ji Yong isn’t helping any, trading Yi Jin autographs for time alone with Joon Sung. (I died laughing at that part.) I have a feeling Joon Sung is going to warm up to Yi Jin in the end, he just has to get her to disengage the crazy mode first. I have this slightly weird feeling that Yi Jin may see Joon Sung and Joo Eun together as they work on finding a way to help out his birth mother and throw a jealous tantrum of one sort or another but once that’s over she may turn out to be helpful in resolving this whole deal with Joon Sung’s mom. Don’t ask me how that would work out because I have no idea. It could be nothing more than Yi Jin comforting a distraught Joon Sung or it could be something else entirely or absolutely nothing at all. I’m just sharing an inkling, that’s all.

don't come any closer

I suppose my Yi Jin theory could stem from the fact I see Joo Eun doing the very same thing for Young Ho. He’s admitted his family has been cold and uncaring his entire life and he’s never tasted any of life’s sweetness, until now. What better person to show him the true meaning of love than Joo Eun? She has an uncanny ability to sense when things aren’t right with Young Ho and she has a way of touching his heart in a way he’s never experienced before. She’s such a warm and sensitive person, she can read those around her incredibly well which is going to make all the difference when it comes to dealing with Young Ho, especially in the state we’ve been forced to leave him in for the next week. Despite the fact he’s been given a clean bill of health by his doctor, Young Ho still frequently suffers from a tremendous amount of physical pain. Though the doctor has assured him this pain stems from a psychological association as a result of the massive amount of trauma Young Ho has endured, it’s still a very real affliction and the pain, as we saw, can be quite overwhelming. In such a state, it makes sense for Young Ho to lash out at Joo Eun as he did and one can only hope she understands this and reacts accordingly. I really don’t have any fear of her being irrational in this situation, I just see her desperately wanting to help and being unable to do so because she has no real idea of what’s going on. I’m not really worried about what will happen next, I just want this part to be over so Young Ho can stop suffering. I’m very much like him on that score, I hate to see people suffer, even if they’re just characters in a story.

miserable without her

I’m afraid I’ve rambled on for far too long (again) so I’m going to wrap things up here. Of course that means it’s your turn to talk (write???) about this week’s episodes in the comments below. Tell me what you loved. What you hated. What your theories are about where things are headed or anything else you want to discuss. You know I always love hearing from you so don’t leave me hanging! Comment away!

You can catch up of all my review of Oh My Venus here:

Episodes 1-2

Episodes 3-4

Episodes 5-6

2 Replies to “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Oh My Venus Episodes 7-8”

  1. I loved many moments of these episodes – couples scarves, hugs on bridges, and Henry just being a-dork-able. I also loved Young Ho telling Joo Eun that his goal for her is good health, NOT weight loss and that ‘healthy is sexy’. It put the emphasis in the right place. Unlike pathetic Soo Jin whose only goal was a drastically changed outer appearance while she neglected to keep her body and mind healthy. Career day at school was so darn cute, too! And the trip to the superhero museum. Part of the beauty is that Young Ho got to see what a happy family looks like and got to play a little, too.

    I am not a big fan of the negative things Young Ho says to Joo Eun. Jokes about her belly fat and the broadness of her back. It’s mean. I feel that someone who loves you never has an excuse to belittle you. Words hurt. Period. Joo Eun’s momalready makes her feel inferior, so she doesnt need anyone else adding to that. I hope that stops as their relationship progresses.

    I’m really not liking the celebrity stalker. I find her creepy and pathetic and feel kind of bad knowing that the boxer and stalker will probably end up together. He deserves better.

    I was a little confused by the ending. I wonder if she’ll ignore his command, or if she’ll get one of the boys to help. I hope they can work together to get through this health crisis of his – even if it is all in his head. For such a strong man on the outside, he is very fragile on the inside. Which is the exact opposite of Joo Eun. Hopefully together they can both become healthier.

    I look forward to this every week. I cant wait to see what’s next!!

    1. You know, the more I think about what you said about the negative comments Young Ho keeps making towards Joo Eun, the more I agree with you. No matter how many time Joo Eun brushes comments like that off, pretending they don’t phase her in the least, you know they have to sting. The fact that Young Ho has fallen for her as much as she has him doesn’t change the fact that Joo Eun suffer enough from poor self-esteem on her own. She doesn’t need to be made to feel worse, especially not from the man who loves her. I sincerely hope Young Ho stops his “jokes” and starts loving Joo Eun with his words as well as his actions.

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