ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Sensory Couple Episodes 9-10

back hug 1

Forgotten memories are beginning to resurface, secret identities are revealed, our OTP has finally established their relationship and our heroine is left in the clutches of a psychotic killer; if that’s not enough to get you excited about this week’s episodes of Sensory Couple, I don’t know what will!

the same

We left off last week with Cho Rim crying over her bowl of seaweed soup as a face from her past slowly formed in her mind. We were left wondering, could this mysterious face be that of the Barcode Killer? Not surprisingly the face Cho Rim remembers wasn’t that of the killer but that of her mother. Sadly, Cho Rim has no recollection of her mother, other than what this bowl of soup brought back to her, and that face doesn’t even register as that of her actual mother because her “father” has convinced her someone else is her mom. While I understand that Oh Jae Pyo has made up an entirely new history for Cho Rim to keep her safe, it’s still sad that she has no idea of who her real parents are. With her memories slowly beginning to resurface, she’s going to have a hard time dealing with these memories because she has no idea where they’re coming from. Can you imagine her confusion as more of her past resurfaces? How is she going to deal with memories that don’t seem to fit anywhere in the past Oh Jae Pyo has created for her? You know that eventually she’s going to have so many of her memories return she’s no longer going to be able to believe anything Oh Jae Pyo has told her and then where will she be? I can see Cho Rim understanding the necessity of the witness protection program she’s been hiding under but that’s not going to help her deal with the emotional pain that will come with realizing the past three years have been a lie.

I'm nervous

Of course all of this potential drama between Cho Rim and Oh Jae Pyo won’t matter at all if Jae Hee gets to Cho Rim first. It seems to me Jae Hee isn’t far from uncovering the truth about Cho Rim and when that happens… Well, maybe it’s better to not talk about that. I really don’t want to imagine what’s going to happen to Cho Rim once Jae Hee knows she’s the witness he thought he killed three years ago. With Dr. Chun’s letter in her hand, Cho Rim has all the proof Jae Hee needs to identify her as the witness. Leaving us wondering whether Jae Hee caught a glimpse of that letter over Cho Rim’s shoulder is the perfect hook to bring us back but I don’t like spending a whole week fretting over Cho Rim’s safety. This poor girl is mere feet from Jae Hee’s prison and it wouldn’t take much for him to read that letter and shove her in there, making up an excuse for her absence at the shoot filming upstairs. I really hope this doesn’t happen but the possibility is real and it fills me with dread.

his daydream

To keep my mind from dwelling on the unpleasant, let’s talk about our adorable OTP for a moment, shall we? Last week’s kiss was everything I’d hoped it would be but as wonderful as it was, it left Cho Rim completely uncertain as to where she stood with Moo Gak. Cho Rim spent a lot of time needlessly worrying about where things stood between herself and Moo Gak. When it comes to these two, what’s been so very obvious to us hasn’t really made an impression on Cho Rim and I kinda feel sorry for the girl. After a kiss like last week’s, you’d think this poor girl would know how Moo Gak feels for her but I suppose there are times when things like this need to be spelled out and, thank all the drama gods, that’s exactly what Moo Gak did. I suppose it could be argued that Moo Gak’s “You’re my girlfriend” declaration wasn’t the most romantic in the world, but it did prove very effective in getting the job done. At least now Cho Rim has no doubt as to Moo Gak’s feelings and we can all move happily along. At least for now.

she's hiding something

I have to wonder how long these first sweet couple moments will last, especially now that Lieutenant Yeom knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Cho Rim is actually Choi Eun Seol. Already this fact is making an impact on Moo Gak’s career. It was one thing for Lieutenant Yeom to keep Moo Gak on the case, knowing full well that his sister was one of the Barcode Killer’s victims, but it’s another thing altogether to keep him on the case, now that he and Cho Rim are a couple. There’s just too much potential for Moo Gak’s emotions to get the better of him. We’ve already seen how Moo Gak reacts when he gets emotional (the assault on Dr. Chun is enough evidence for that) so Lt. Yeom is perfectly right in removing Moo Gak from the case. However, I’m not sure keeping him in the dark as to Cho Rim’s true identity is the best idea. It seems to me it puts everyone at a disadvantage. If Moo Gak knew, he’d be able to protect Cho Rim a little better and Cho Rim would be able to keep on her guard, especially around Jae Hee. I know Cho Rim has no suspicions of Jae Hee being the murderer but Moo Gak does and you can bet your sweet bippy, he’d be more than happy to keep Cho Rim as far away from Jae Hee as possible. Though now that I think about it, Moo Gak isn’t the only one who’d be happy to keep Cho Rim safe… She’s become the sweetheart of the police force and I’m pretty sure every detective working on this case would be more than willing to protect Cho Rim. So why isn’t Lt. Yeom revealing this vital piece of information to her team? I guess this could all be part of the witness protection program but shouldn’t something like this be made known to those working on this case, so they do can everything in their power to keep her safe? I suppose this could be the topic she brings up in their next meeting but for some reason, I’m not sure this is what she’s going to do. I don’t know why she’s so dead set on dragging the truth out of Oh Jae Pyo, especially now that she’s got evidence enough from Cho Rim herself, but she is and it’s making this whole thing a lot more difficult than it should be. Perhaps she’s waiting for a piece of sound evidence, something more concrete than a fuzzy memory, before she brings this vital piece of information to light. I just hope she doesn’t take too long. It seems to me Cho Rim is about two seconds away from being the Killer’s next victim and that just makes me super nervous.

dad's hiding

So tell me, what are your thoughts on this week’s episodes? Are you happy to see our OTP finally make it to “official” couple status? Do you have any theories on why Lt. Yeom isn’t telling anyone about Cho Rim’s true identity? Do you think Cho Rim is mere seconds from becoming the Barcode Killer’s next victim or do you think she’ll find a way to escape his evil clutches? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!

You can catch up on all of my reviews of Sensory Couple here:

Episodes 1-2

Episodes 3-4

Episodes 5-6

Episodes 7-8

3 Replies to “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Sensory Couple Episodes 9-10”

  1. I was a little disappointed this week. I thought episode 10 kind of dragged, but the sweet moments with the OTP made it worthwhile. Cho Rim is so very innocent and sweet, and Moo Gak is so cute when he teases her. He will definitely do everything in his power to keep her safe, but she’s so darn trusting that she’s going to walk right into danger without even knowing it. I guess the tension this causes is what keeps us watching.

    I am also worried about Oh Jae Pyo. I think he’s in big danger. I also don’t understand why he is running off and leaving her unprotected. How can he think no one will notice he has a daughter now and didn’t have one before? Why does he regularly leave her to go in “jobs”? What exactly does he do? It seems like a really shoddy job of witness protection.

    I don’t like how the lieutenant is behaving. Demoting Moo Gak without an explanation is cruel. He deserves better. It’s also foolish not to protect your only witness. I’m not really getting where this is going as far as the police are concerned. The lieutenant is sure Chef Kang is the killer but knows Cho Rim works for him. What is she waiting for?????

    Chef Kang gets scarier each week. He’s starting to make my skin crawl (but a few more shots of him shirtless might cure that – holy moly!!). I hope Cho Rim makes it out of the library with her letter unread by Chef Kang. (But she trusts him, so she might share it. Ugh!) I hope she shares it with Moo Gak who can help her put the pieces together – or at least have him bump into her “dad” one day while hanging around her house so he can get clued in here.

    I look forward to new episodes each week. This is a great drama so far.

  2. I’ve been wondering, is Cho Rim really under official witness protection program? Or is it a secret identity only known to Oh Jae Pyo? It doesn’t seem like even the police chief is aware of or concerned about Cho Rim/Eun Seol existence during his brief rendezvous with Oh Jae Pyo…

    1. That’s a very good question! What if this Oh Jae Pyo took her under his protection without anyone knowing about it? What would this mean for Cho Rim? Would the police put her under real protection? What if there was a reason for Oh Jae Pyo acting on his own? What if he knew something about the police force that we didn’t? If Oh Jae Pyo didn’t act under orders, why would he be willing to turn his life upside down for Cho Rim’s safety? There’s certainly a lot to ponder here. I have a feeling we may have our questions answered in the near future.

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