ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 11

crying in leo's arms

After complaining last week about the stagnant feel of this drama, I was both surprised and pleased to find that a couple of unexpected turns later, I’m happily back where I started, absolutely loving Fall in Love With Me

xiao lu or lu tian xing

So what happened this week to make me, so drastically, change my tune? I would have to say that, without a doubt, that would be the fact that I was completely caught off-guard by more than one of the events of this week’s episode. Of course before I talk about those events which surprised me, I have to first talk about the major event that set all of the rest of this week’s events in motion and yes, I’m talking about the fact that the whole entire world now knows that Tian Xing and Xiao Lu are one and the same. *gasp* As shocking as this revelation is for pretty much everyone but Lance and Leo (the two who knew something was up all along… Way to go guys!) I’ll be the first to admit that I’m happy the truth is finally out. I feel like we can all take a collective breath of fresh air as there is now no need for anyone to be running around, pretending to be someone they’re not. *Hooray!* I suppose the Tian Xing/Xiao Lu duality was entertaining for a while but I’m so much happier now that the truth is out and everyone can finally move on with their lives.

never want to see you again

Unfortunately not everyone sees this forced honesty in as positive a light as I do. Obviously Le Si is absolutely devastated by the news, as we all knew she would be, and for a second there, I was really going to applaud her for her strength. When she first learned the truth, she was so furious, she forcefully confronted Tian Xing with the truth and shoved all of his gifts back in his face and I was cheering for her the entire time. (Hooray for the return of the strong Le Si!!!) But then Tian Xing had to chase Le Si down and it would seem that while she was driving, Le Si lost all her mettle because by the time she pulled over and let Tian Xing chase her to the edge of the cliff, she was back to her crying, pouting self again and I suddenly found myself wishing Tian Xing would have let her fall down the cliff instead of Huan Huan.

huan huan

Poor Huan Huan! As if being rejected by Tian Xing wasn’t bad enough, she now has to learn that he’s actually taken on an alternate identity in an attempt to win the heart of a different woman. I can’t blame her for being more than a little upset and I was really hoping that Lance would have offered her a bit more comfort but I suppose he was too busy plotting the end of Xiao Lu to really consider how he might best help his heart-broken sister. As depressed as Huan Huan was, I can’t say I fully understand her decision to free herself from Tian Xing’s grasp as she dangled over the edge of that cliff. I’m sorry ladies but no guy is ever worth more than your life and no matter how depressed you are, falling off a cliff isn’t going to make you feel any better. Just look at Huan Huan! She miraculously survived the fall but now she faces the very real possibility of never being able to walk again and I just want to ask her, “Was it worth it? Really?” She may have Tian Xing’s attention at the moment but his feelings of guilt and obligation aren’t going to last forever and when the time comes, he’s going to leave. Then what’s she going to do? Face an uncertain future, crippled and alone with a vindictive brother who will most likely vow to have his revenge on the man who ruined his sister’s life? That certainly doesn’t sound like any sort of future I’d want and I’m pretty sure it’s not what Huan Huan had in mind either but it’s one she may very well have to face anyway. Poor kid! I really do hope her condition isn’t permanent and that she can recover quickly but I have a feeling this first unexpected twist is going to trap Tian Xing in a whole lot of guilty obligations for a while which means Le Si may very well get her wish to never see Tian Xing again. Well, at least not in a very long time…

caring leo

Of course with Tian Xing out of the picture, now is the perfect time for Leo to step in and try to sway Le Si’s heart which is exactly what he does. (Hello unexpected twist number two!) Here I thought Leo was one of these seconds who sits back and loves from a distance but boy was I wrong! Turns out Leo was just smart enough to bide his time and it would seem that his efforts might actually pay off. Le Si was certainly more than willing to find comfort in Leo’s arms and while part of me just sees this as seeking comfort from an older brother, there’s another part of me that wouldn’t put it past Le Si to begin to love the “safer” option. After all, Leo has been by her side for pretty much forever and his steady presence and constant comfort are more than enough to satisfy her rather bland taste in men. I’m sure that, for the moment, all Le Si wants to do is forget all about Xiao Lu/Tian Xing so I could perfectly understand her accepting Leo’s affections but I don’t see that lasting for long. I’m sure there will come a time when Le Si will be forced to admit that, despite everything, Tian Xing is really the one she loves and I might even go so far as to say that there may come a point in time when she will have to fight to win him back. (And suddenly I’m thinking Tian Xing will spend so much time helping Huan Huan recover that he’ll begin to believe that he owes it to her to be with her and Le Si is going to have to step in and remind him that his heart actually belongs with her but that could just be my overly-active imagination getting the better of me…)

don't let her get hurt

I suppose that before my imagination get too carried away I’d better wrap this up so tell me, were you as surprised by this week’s events as I was? So much has happened, I’m curious to know where you see things going from here. Do you think Tian Xing will dedicate himself to helping Huan Huan because he feels obligated? Could he possibly use Huan Huan’s injury as an excuse to distance himself from Le Si? It was what she wanted, after all. Do you think Le Si will become disappointed if Tian Xing really does keep away from her and OZ? Might that distance force Le Si to realize that she cares more for the lying Tian Xing that she wants to admit? Do you think Lance will use Tian Xing’s newly acquired position as majority stockholder in OZ to try to topple the tiny company? There’s still so much more we could talk about but I can’t write a book about each episode so I’ll stop here and leave the rest of this week’s discussion up to you so be sure to leave your comments below!


You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:

Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4

Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 9 | Episode 10

11 Replies to “ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 11”

  1. Well, I’m glad the secret is out…but…there seems to be more melodrama coming our way. Hm..I guess this is where Tian Xing and Le Si really break up because Tian Xing is in a place where he will be trapped by Huan Huan’s injuries and Le Si is too stubborn at this point to believe in Tian Xing’s true intentions.
    Honestly, if I were one of the characters in the drama, I wouldn’t be that shocked that Tian Xing is Xiao Lu. First of all, they look alike. It’s not that hard to imagine that they are one of the same. I would have been right next to Leo in doubting the whole situation as I have been saying all along until I see both Tian Xing and Xiao Lu show up in front of me simultaneously. Even then, I would have thought maybe they were long lost brothers and have ties to each other somehow. On the other hand, Tian Xing is such a good actor that he easily slips into Xiao Lu mode effortlessly. The only time he really messed up is when he signed his name on the package as “Lu Tian Xing.” Otherwise, he is really smart about changing identities. We never see him in the wrong clothes or accessories. I’m surprised that he never wore Le Si’s watch by mistake. Anyway, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I don’t think Tian Xing ever gave Le Si that watch back even as he “leaves” Taiwan.
    Actually, I was still disappointed in Le Si once she found out the truth about Tian Xing’s identity. Having Tian Xing own 60% of Oz is possible, but she was obviously not thinking straight because Xiao Lu rejected that offer many times only to cave in when Le Si’s parents insisted on transferring the stocks to Xiao Lu. Then, I was thinking, wouldn’t the shares be under Xiao Lu’s name? Maybe they can get their company back. If not and if Tian Xing wanted, he could have just ran away with the money after that. Why would he continue to act as Xiao Lu? For who’s benefit? Le Si has to think about that, but I’m sure she never had a chance to think much. Even then, I would want a proper explanation from Tian Xing, but I think everybody was thinking to the side, believing that Tian Xing wanted to engulf the company all along, which is probably true in the beginning, but nobody knew his true intention to help Oz. I think Le Si is really being unfair to Tian Xing all along. When Tian Xing messes up, she had no problem shouting words of anger in his face and being physically angry, but when Xiao Lu messes up, Le Si just melts into submission. It was also wrong of Le Si to drag Huan Huan into the situation when clearly Tian Xing has unfinished business with Le Si and emotions are running high. Oddly, why would she go to the edge of a cliff to further discuss problems? It makes no sense to me, but happens in Asian dramas all the time. In the end, it was Huan Huan who I believe wanted to kill herself as she removed her hands from Tian Xing to fall into her own demise. If Lance knew that Huan Huan fell off a cliff because of Tian Xing, he’d would probably go beserk. BTW, (not that he’s watching this drama, but) my husband thinks that that cliff was nothing and it didn’t look too high either. Still, of course, I believe Huan Huan can be badly injured but I don’t think it would necessarily end her character’s life. Huan Huan’s reaction to learning of Xiao Lu’s identity is also overreaction. Why does she have to cry herself into a mess? It’s not the end of the world, really. (I need get that Japanese ice cream!)
    I do like that Tian Xing is now the official owner of Oz though. That means, his ties with Le Si are not cut yet and they will have to continue seeing each other for better or for worse. As for Leo, bad timing!! What? I hate it when people make confessions during times right after a break-up when a person is most vulnerable and clearly not thinking about another serious relationship. You gotta be kidding me! I’m not sure how Tian Xing will handle all of this when he has been strong about wooing Le Si all along. I guess we’ll have to wait for next week’s episode. He is really at crossroads right now though I think the right thing to do is to back off from Le Si for the time being. She won’t open-minded about him anyway.
    BTW, I had a blast watching the behind the scenes for episode 10! Too bad there weren’t any Leo scenes.

    1. I’d have to totally agree with your husband on the whole “cliff” thing. To me it looked more like a hill and I’m pretty sure Huan Huan could have just rolled down the whole thing and been perfectly fine. Had it been a major cliff, I’m pretty sure not even Tian Xing could have been able to walk down to the bottom and carry an unconscious Huan Huan back up. Still, I understand that things have to be all dramatic so I’ll let it slide but really, on the inside, I’m rolling my eyes and saying, “Oh please!” I never really understood why Le Si chose that particular place to continue her “discussion” with Tian Xing. I mean who drives to a seaside overlook to have at it with a guy they’re furious with? Pretty sure those conversations are best held inside and away from pointy objects, not at the top of a cliff. (As we all now know why!)

      What I was really hoping Le Si would do was make Tian Xing chase her to a railroad crossing and then drive away while he suffers a major anxiety attack. That would have been far more vindictive on her part and would have at least made bringing Huan Huan into this mess, make a lot more sense. As it is, Le Si is now going to be carrying around a huge burden of guilt because she’s the one who “caused” Huan Huan’s accident (even though in reality Huan Huan did it all herself) and that means Le Si’s probably going to become even more whiny than she already is.

      Speaking of, you’re totally right when you say that Le Si is being unfair to Tian Xing. Of course she is! She’s too upset to take a couple of minutes to just stop and think about this whole ordeal. If she had, she would probably see that everything Tian Xing has been saying in his defense is completely true and she’d also realize that it was her stubborn refusal to let Xiao Lu go that forced Tian Xing to become someone he’d never had any intention of being for any length of time. A little further reflection on Le Si’s part would reveal that, whether she wants to admit it or not, she feels more for Tian Xing than just respect or friendship and she’d also have to admit that Tian Xing has really been more of a help to her than a hindrance. Of course none of these truths are remotely close to being what Le Si wants to admit right now as she’d much rather remain petty and wounded than open-minded and forgiving.

      As for Leo… I’m happy he finally had the gumption to confront Tian Xing and I was happy he finally decided to step in and let Le Si know how he felt about her but you’re totally right about the timing! This guy seriously has the worst. timing. ever. (Kind of reminds me of Miao Miao’s confession to Leo…) What is it with these Dramaland characters and their total lack of common sense? Shouldn’t it be obvious to everyone in the world that the time to confess your feelings is not hours after your love broke up with someone else? Sure, you can step in and be a comfort but don’t burden an already weary heart with crap it’s not ready to deal with! Give your love time to heal before you try to step in and steal her heart!

      Honestly, I was pretty disappointed in Tian Xing’s one mistake. After all this time pretending to be Xiao Lu he has to go and write his real name on a delivery now? Seriously? Tian Xing is smarter than that and there’s no way he would do something that stupid and obvious if he weren’t living in Dramaland. But, something has to give him away and since pretty much everyone around him is too dense to realize he and Xiao Lu are the same person, he has to make it super obvious they’re the same person, just to make sure everyone knows the truth. (Silly Dramaland rules!) I kept expecting Xiao Lu to show up wearing Le Si’s watch (which Tian Xing never did return to Le Se, even after he told her he was leaving the country) but I guess that would have been too obvious. Ha!

  2. Yes, why did Le Si just drive to the middle of nowhere for discussion? Tian Xing was relentlessly chasing her so the best thing to do is to find a calm place and shoo him away afterwards. It is a bit unfair that Le Si just accuses Tian Xing of having double identities and then running away without giving Tian Xing a good chance to explain. If I were Tian Xing, I’d chase after Le Si too just to give a proper explanation or when things are too heated, maybe approach her later.
    Wow, a railroad crossing? Hahaa. That’s pretty evil! I can see that scenario ending either Tian Xing’s life or Huan Huan’s life. Well, that would be sad, knowing that Tian Xing’s parents died in a train accident. Nah, I just can’t see Le Si that evil, plus she’s not a very deep thinker.
    It was interesting to see Le Si actually feel sad when she heard that Tian Xing is leaving Taiwan. I’m sure that she has feelings for Tian Xing, but suppresses them because of a grudge they once had for each other and for the fact that she was dating Xiao Lu at the time. It wouldn’t be right if she starts having feelings for Tian Xing while dating Xiao Lu, the one who she almost emotionally died for.
    I think it’s appropriate for Leo to comfort and protect Le Si, but his confession should have came later. Le Si is still very shocked about who her boyfriend is and she didn’t officially tell anybody that she broke up with Xiao Lu, though I guess everything is implied. I don’t believe Leo’s tactic of confessing while the other person is in pain from a break-up ever works in dramaland. That has never been successful in any drama, nor is it appropriate. Le Si was just too hurt to care and went into Leo’s arms anyway, but that doesn’t mean she accepts Leo. If she did, it would probably be an impulse move that she would sure regret afterwards.
    Actually, one thing I forgot to point out is the fact that the CCTV footage is so available in dramaland. How in the world did Lance obtain a copy of street cameras showing Tian Xing and Xiao Lu stop the contract deal? It’s just amazing to me that there would be video footage and so clear with such good angles. Lance can easily put an edited copy into his phone to send to Le Si. I think it’s pointless because maybe Le Si would have saw the signature on the package anyway without seeing the footage.
    I can’t stand Tian Xing denying that he’s not Xiao Lu. He is Xiao Lu! Everything he does under Xiao Lu was not forced. The way he drew his cute “deer self” and gave it to Le Si was so sweet. I doubt that he forced Xiao Lu to do that. It was all him! He should not deny that Xiao Lu is not part of him. He actually has a cute side! Admit it, Tian Xing! Say that even though your Lu Tian Xing, you are Xiao Lu as well! I guess Tian Xing had to let his guard down somehow and signing the package was the easy way to get caught. Like I said, signing the stock transfer rights would have also got him in trouble too. They can’t transfer stock to someone who doesn’t exist. I’m sure there are regulations for that. I suppose he could have started a trust fund or had a trust fund. That’s the only way I can logically accept this story line. Otherwise, the Tao family can just sue Ting Xing over a false identity and Tian Xing would definitely be in jail instead of Lance! Har har! Actually, I think the Tao family could have tried to fight it in court anyway because they would say that Tian Xing deceived them to transfer stocks to somebody who doesn’t exist.

    1. All true! There are so many ways logic and plain old common sense could undo the very fabric of this drama but this is Dramaland we’re talking about, logic and common sense run in short supply!

      I may be mistaken but I believe Lance got the footage of the Xiao Lu/Tian Xing transformation from the P.I. he had tailing Xiao Lu. It looked to me (in last week’s episode) that Lance had sent someone out to follow Xiao Lu and/or Tian Xing and that’s where he got the evidence he needed to blow Tian Xing’s cover. I’m pretty sure the P.I. was camped out in that mysterious looking van, filming the entire thing as he followed Xiao Lu from OZ. I still will never understand how an giant, mysterious looking van can follow someone without them getting suspicious but apparently it happens all the time. (ha)

      I think Tian Xing would do well to accept both sides of himself. Like you said, he is both Tian Xing and Xiao Lu and if he could just come to accept that, others might accept him as well. Tian Xing does such a great job of being either one side of himself or the other, so why can’t he combine the two and become one whole, well-rounded individual? Is that really so hard?

      I kind of feel like we’re at a crossroads for Tian Xing and I find myself wondering which path he’s going to choose. Will he give up trying to explain things to the hard-headed Le Si and just focus on Huan Huan and the life he’s used to living or will he decide that some things are worth fighting for and continue to attempt to make his voice heard? At some point I hope Le Si cools down enough to listen to what Tian Xing is trying to tell her but I’m sure that won’t happen any time soon. She may be simple-minded but she’s also very stubborn which means Tian Xing is probably going to be in the dog house for a very long time.

      1. I’m curious to find out what Tian Xing will do next. If I had my way, he would stay out of Le Si’s way and hopefully Le Si will realize how much she misses him. I love romantic “tension.” I want Le Si to pursue Tian Xing for once!
        Oh, I didn’t know Lance hired a PI. I suppose that make sense then. Eh, it’s a matter of time before Tian Xing will get caught anyway.

        1. I’m really hoping Le Si decides to go after Tian Xing too! Like you, I’m a fan of romantic tension and I would love to see the tables turned and have Le Si trying to win Tian Xing’s heart for one. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?

  3. This is the episode I started to seriously dislike the two second leads.

    HuanHuan: theoretically cute, innocent and all, but not only is she whiny and weak… no she’s vindictively clingy and possesive. And that whole letting go of TX’s hand move was absolutely ridiculous. Makjang for the sake of makjang. So TX is supposed to wipe her stupid behind now? … I guess there’s still room for her to. .. u know … grow up. But atm I just want to cut her life support. -_-*

    Leo: *hur* what d*ck move. And hell dumb. This _is_ a good strategy to get into a girls panties, but that’s not his goal. And there’s just no way back from rebound hell, i.e. it’s almost impossible to turn s.th. that started this way into a real relationship. Nope. IRL or dramaland don’t matter.
    But geeeeeez, what a bastard. I just hate guys pretending to be the girl’s best friend until they see their lucky chance. Blech. Nah Leo. There’s no way back from that. Off to the corner with you and reflect on what you did wrong! -_-

    1. Hilarious, Simon! I totally agree though you seem to be more upset than I am! Ha! The characters are ridiculous! I believe in fiction and I really try to convince myself this could possibly happen, but I really have to laugh about it. Huan Huan attempting suicide after she saw how much Tian Xing cared for Le Si instead of her was ridiculous, but then, I wonder how it would be resolved if she held on with her life. Tian Xing’s arms would fall off or would they somehow perform some acrobatic moves? Ha. Leo, tsk tsk. I just can’t like his character. He’s really senseless when it comes to relationships. Not sure why Miao Miao would even like such a man, but I hope Miao Miao takes him away though because there is no way Le Si would like Leo.

      1. Yeah, still trying to scrape off the random food items I threw at my screen while watching. 😉
        Miao Miao x Leo. Considering her behavior towards allergic people and Leo’s new found jerkiness I guess they now fully deserve each other. Ship sold. ^^;

        In the preview LS’s got that wet towel look again. Why?! TT-TT
        actually I hope TX turns this situation into a sort of challenge: “I’ll give you back your company, if you …” dunno. Win a competition. Become better than Tian Jing. Or something.
        LS in angry puppy mode is so much cooler than ms. victim. Come on! Grrl Power!!! … pwetty pwease.

        Well. Still enjoying the show, though. There’s an unlimited potential for awafulness in dramaland, so keeping my fingers crossed.

        1. Hahaha! I love your Miao Miao x Leo ship! It’s hilarious and SO TRUE!

          If Le Si get’s all mopey and depressed again I’m going to be throwing things at my computer! I’d much rather see her get angry and out for revenge than weak and helpless again. I’m with you, let’s have a little girl power please!

          I guess we’ll just have to wait and see where all this goes but I’m hoping it gets better, rather than worse. A person can take only so much patheticness at a time, ya know? 😉

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