ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 15

so sad

Angry, hurt and heartbroken, I watched this episode of Fall in Love With Me feeling every one of Tian Xing’s emotions and may have flipped every table in a ten-mile radius in the process…

you mean everything

There is so much to be frustrated about while watching this drama that it’s easy to get caught up in all the table flipping but before I get caught up in another rant, I’d like to start off by pointing out that one thing in this stinking drama finally went right and that is Tian Xing and Le Si finally admitting their true feelings for each other. Sure, their confession was a bit more melodramatic than I would have liked but the fact that they both openly and honestly shouted their feelings at each other was enough to make me ridiculously happy. At least now that they know where they stand with each other, they can start focusing their energy on finding a way to solve the entire boatload of problems they’re now facing. (At least they can face them together, right?)

need you to do something for me

I wish I could understand Lance’s undying desire to wipe OZ off the face of the planet, but I can’t. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Yes, I get that Lance is jealous because his mother loves Tian Xing more than him (which is totally stupid on her part, by the way) and I can even understand his being envious of Le Si and OZ stealing the attention Tian Xing used to pay to him because it hurts to feel like you’re losing your best friend to a love interest and I can even see how Lance could view Le Si as a rival but I really don’t get how taking out all his frustrations on OZ can be justified. Is Lance really that upset that Tian Xing would rather devote his time and energy into a smaller company? Wouldn’t letting Tian Xing go to OZ give Lance the position at Tian Ji that he’s always wanted? Why wouldn’t Lance just let Tian Xing go? Is there something more personal here that I’m not picking up on? Obviously that look in Lance’s eyes, when his mother was pleading with Tian Xing and offered him Tian Ji if it meant letting Le Si go, said a lot; as in, “This is why I’m going to crush you, Tian Xing. Because my mother loves you more than she loves me and you need to suffer as much as I have so prepare yourself because I’m just getting started.” Yeah, that look spoke volumes.

selfish jerk

If only Lance’s mother could see how detrimental her playing favorites and selfishness are to her family… I think if she could look farther than the end of her own nose, she might decide to back off a bit and rethink a lot of things but she can’t and everyone around her is suffering as a result. Lance is hurting because his mom loves Tian Xing more than him (and is acting out accordingly), Huan Huan is going to be absolutely miserable, married to a man who doesn’t love her (which she may not understand and/or accept now but there will come a day when she realizes being tied to a man who doesn’t care two snits about you is a very painful and lonely place to be) and Tian Xing is slowly descending through every level of hell as this woman does everything in her power to take over his life and keep him and Le Si apart forever. I really don’t understand how depriving Tian Xing of every shred of joy is going to make him want to devote his life to this crazy woman but she’s convinced it will (probably because she’s an idiot). I really have to wonder if any of these people have ever heard of that whole “the tighter you hold onto something, the more likely it is to slip away from you” thing because if they haven’t, someone might want to let them know before they completely alienate themselves from the one they love most. Not that I really care if Tian Xing cuts himself off from this ridiculous bunch of selfish brats (because honestly, I’m hoping he does) but they might.

painful love

Of course Lance’s mother won’t back off any more than Lance will and they’ve finally managed to convince Huan Huan to join them on Team Nasty which means I no longer hold out any hope for any of them. That entire family is evil, selfish and corrupt and I want nothing more than to see Tian Xing run as far away from them as possible and never look back. If only I could get my wish… Unfortunately, I don’t really see that happening but I refuse to give up hope completely, especially now that OZ has been burnt to the ground and Le Si is starting to do a few things on her own. I have this unrealistic hope that now that there really isn’t much left of OZ but a sign, Le Si might start to realize that having dreams of her own and following them, rather than trying to live the dream of her brother, is actually the way to go. I know it’s a long-shot to expect so much from a woman who takes fifteen episodes to realize her true feelings for Tian Xing but hey, I’ve got to have something to hope for to get me through this painfully frustrating drama, especially now that I’ve run out of tables to flip!

ting wei quits

So tell me, were you as upset with the way Tian Xing is being treated by Lance and his family as I was or am I the only one flipping tables on his behalf? What do you think about Huan Huan’s turning to the dark side? Is she really as nasty as her mother and brother or is there still hope for her? How long do you think she’s going to get away with this fake confinement to a wheelchair? She’s getting pretty careless with herself these days and I’m pretty sure there’s going to come a time when Tian Xing comes across that picture they all took at the hot springs and sees Huan Huan standing up in the background. (Oh I hope that day comes soon!) What do you think will become of OZ? With the fire and the bad press, will this company ever be able to recover? What about Ting Wei? I didn’t even get to him but what do you think of his quitting Tian Ji? Were you surprised by the move or did you see it coming? What sort of plan do you think he and Tian Xing will come up with to save OZ? As always, I’m dying to hear your thoughts to be sure to leave me a comment below!

You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:

Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4

Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12

Episode 13 | Episode 14 

6 Replies to “ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 15”

  1. Lance and his family are disgusting! There is something seriously wrong here and I can’t figure it out. We’ve been doubting Lance all this time, but, the way Lance has been treated in the family is a bit suspicious. Is he really the family’s biological son? Hrm… Why else would he not care if his sister not walk again or try to appease his mother, who doesn’t seem to be on his side? At this point, Huan Huan is really scary and crazy. I can’t believe a girl like her can be brainwashed so easily. Nah, I see her turning to the dark side. She might have been sweet in the beginning, but I think she put too much at stake to back out now: her legs, her career, her life, all for Tian Xing. She’s Tian Xing crazy. Yes, it’s pretty obvious she stood up to grab that water bottle at the hot spring and Leo is not a fool. Leo will figure this out, as usual, faster than anyone. I can’t see how Tian Xing can get back Oz unless he marries Huan Huan. Oz is going down or engulfed by Tian Ji. Ting Wei is so admirable. He’s the man! If I were Miao Miao, I would definitely see his loyalty and awesomeness. He stood up to Lance and that was so awesome. Not every one of us can just quit our jobs like that, but Ting Wei has passion, assuming he can handle his personal finances now, by maybe a part-time job? Anyway, he’s still technically working under Tian Ji if he’s working at Oz so not much of a change there until Lance fires him out of spite. In the beginning, my thought is that the only way to save Oz is if Huan Huan concedes to Tian Xing’s happiness, but I don’t see that happening. Oz is screwed! To me, everything rests in Huan Huan’s hands because her mother, who pathetically kneeled in front of Tian Xing, isn’t going to change her mind because of Huan Huan. Tian Xing could remain in Tian Ji and somehow screw with the company in exchange for Oz, but I don’t see that happening fast enough before his impending wedding.

    1. More than there being a lack of time for Tian Xing to mess with Tian Ji, I just don’t see him screwing with the company from the inside. It just doesn’t seem to be in his nature, which is kind of a funny thing to say considering he started out being such a jerk. His character has done a complete one-eighty and as as result, he’s worked his way into the center of my affections. Seriously, my heart breaks for Tian Xing mostly because I can’t see a way out of this mess and I feel just awful about it. I suppose there’s always the possibility Tian Xing could eventually decide he’s had enough of this nonsense and just walk away from it all but I don’t really see him doing that, mostly because he wouldn’t leave without Le Si and Le Si isn’t one to just abandon her family in the pursuit of her love. If Le Si and Tian Xing are going to be together, they’re going to have to find a way to do that where they are, despite the fact I’d rather see them run as far away from this family of crazy as possible.

      I honestly have no idea what’s wrong with Lance and his family but they are seriously messed up! I know I’ve been griping about them for what feels like ages but I think I’ve been right to do so! These people are just whack-a-doodle and they’re only getting worse! Forbidding Tian Xing from ever seeing Le Si again? Stripping everything from Tian Xing but pretty much the clothes on his back? Taking away everything Tian Xing holds dear and forcing him into a relationship he will resent for the rest of his life? What is wrong with these people? When will enough be enough? My guess is never which means there’s going to be a whole lot more frustration before this drama ends.

      At least we have unexpected heroes like Ting Wei to step in and give us something to cheer for and cheer I did! It’s about time someone stood up to Lance and call him out for being such a bully! I really admire Ting Wei for his bold move and I hope it doesn’t come back to bite him in the butt later on. (Though with him going against Lance, I’m pretty sure that’s a very good possibility.) In the meantime, I’ll continue to cheer for Ting Wei and like you, I’m hoping Miao Miao starts to notice how admirable this guy is because he’s a whole lot better than Leo will ever dream of being.

      Speaking of… If Leo does uncover Huan Huan’s secret before everyone else, will he do like he did earlier and keep this mammoth secret to himself until it comes spilling out elsewhere or will he step in and save Le Si and Tian Xing from this unnecessary pain? My guess is, he wouldn’t mind seeing Tian Xing suffer but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to see Le Si suffer which kind of puts him in some sort of moral dilemma and quite frankly, I have no idea which way he’ll go. I personally think he’s kind of a scum bag himself but that could just be because I don’t like him as a love interest for Le Si. He’s too weak and pathetic for me but those are the characters which tend to go evil about mid-way through the drama so now would be a perfect time for him to go as dark side as Huan Huan.

      Oh Huan Huan! I don’t understand how anyone can be so weak-minded, especially when it means giving up on her entire life. Sure, she might get the man she loves but he doesn’t love her and she’s going to have a lifetime to spend, living with a man who resents her. Add to that she’ll have to spend the rest of her life acting like an invalid and giving up on all of her independence and her career and she’s pretty much guaranteed to be the most miserable person on the face of the planet. Not that I pity her. She’s made a whole string of bad choices and now that she’s gone dark side, I don’t care if she spend the rest of her life miserable as long as she’s also alone. I refuse to let her drag Tian Xing down with him! (Like I have any say in anything… haha)

      1. I think if Tian Xing knew of a way, he would definitely use Tian Ji’s weaknesses in exchange for saving Oz and his freedom. He never believed in Lance and Tian Ji’s philosophies anyway. It’s still a better plan than being a puppet for Huan Huan and her family. When cornered, I would do whatever it takes. I can’t see the lovebirds running away because that would be so irresponsible and then the story line would pretty much be over. It’s so funny how Tian Xing can be stripped of all that he has. I’m disappointed that he didn’t even own property under his own name. Sad. I can understand if Uncle Fu had to go though and it’s weird that he technically doesn’t work for Tian Xing, but for the mom. As for Ting Wei, I rather be with him than Leo, of course. Leo seems like such a boring guy in this drama. I miss the actor’s funky roles. Well, even if Leo has a grudge against Le Si, he still cares about Oz so I think he would use this information to at least get Oz back. He needs to come up with a plan, if he’s evil enough. Personally, I don’t think we need any more baddies in this drama. We have enough headaches. Huan Huan is so delusional that I think she will end up in a mental hospital. On the other hand, Tian Xing might feel regret the rest of his life for making her that way.

        1. If Tian Xing is going to feel guilty for anything that happens to Huan Huan, he needs to get over it. Just because he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings doesn’t mean he’s responsible for her actions. That girl is the only one making herself miserable and it’s no one’s fault but her own. If she could just learn to let Tian Xing go, she’d be a whole lot happier and she wouldn’t be suffering physically, like she is now. Everything she’s suffered has been brought on by her own actions and she really needs to grow up and get over herself. It’s her selfishness that’s gotten her and everyone else into the messes they’re in and it’s only when she decides to let go and move on that everyone around her will start to find peace. I’m suddenly wondering how such a seemingly insignificant love interest has become the lynch pin in the whole drama. Here I thought she was just going to be the annoying second love interest and now it seems like everything rides on Huan Huan and her decisions. I guess that’s just the crazy the comes with dramas.

          1. I know this will probably happen. Tian Xing says no to Huan Huan at the alter. Wahhaahaha! I think that’s the only way she’ll get the wake up call.

          2. You know, that wouldn’t surprise me a bit. It’s probably going to be either that or Huan Huan who says “no” at the very last second. Maybe her guilty conscience will finally get the better of her. (Hey, I can hope!) 🙂

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