ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 6

happy birthday cakeLast week’s preview of this week’s episode had me wondering why Tian Xing would suddenly decide he needed to make Le Si fall in love with him when things were progressing so well as Xiao Lu. Turns out sweet Uncle Fu was the man behind Tain Xing’s plan and I really should have known as it’s always the quite ones you’ve got to watch out for…

xiao lu doesn't exist

Alright, so maybe Uncle Fu’s intentions weren’t as malicious as I was implying there; in fact, I think it’s actually very good for Tian Xing to have Uncle Fu around as he seems to be the only voice of reason in Tian Xing’s world. While I don’t agree with Uncle Fu when he suggested making Le Si fall in love with Tian Xing was the best way to help her forget about Xiao Lu, I do agree with him when he reminded Tian Xing that Xiao Lu isn’t real and, sooner or later, Xiao Lu is going to have to disappear forever. No matter how badly Tian Xing would like to remain as Xiao Lu for the sake of Le Si, he really can’t keep up this dual personality forever. Eventually he’s going to have to make Xiao Lu disappear and I, for one, think that time needs to come sooner, rather than later. The longer Tian Xing pretends to be Xiao Lu, the harder Le Si is going to fall for him which, in turn, means it’s going to be even harder for her to forgive him for lying to her. This is one of those instances where our hero is digging his own grave and pretty soon it’s going to be too deep for him to escape.

what do i do

This week’s episode was filled with a lot of tension as Tian Xing tried to figure out what to do with his Xiao Lu dilemma. It’s obvious that he wants to keep Xiao Lu around because it means he gets to spend many pleasant moments with Le Si but it’s also obvious that Tian Xing is slowly beginning to understand that he really can’t keep Xiao Lu around. There was a moment, when Tian Xing was lying on the bed with his suit next to him, that I really wondered if he was going to hang up Tian Xing forever and commit to being just Xiao Lu but, thank the writers, that moment passed. I would have found it immensely disappointing if Tian Xing had opted out of being himself for the sake of a girl and yes, I really think Tian Xing is “the real deal.” As Uncle Fu pointed out, Xiao Lu is a character that he and Tian Xing made up and I believe Tian Xing has finally come to grips with that fact which is why he’s decided to pursue Le Si as himself while, at the same time, reign Xiao Lu in a bit.

not a nice first kiss

You could see the frustration Le Si was feeling as her many efforts to get closer to Xiao Lu were suddenly falling flat. The poor girl has no idea what’s actually going on with Xiao Lu or Tian Xing but suddenly the two men in her life who have occasionally made her heart flutter, are both acting very strange and she hasn’t the slightest clue as to how to deal with them. And how could she? Xiao Lu is turning into a bit of an awkward ice prince and Tian Xing is stealing what, undoubtedly, was Le Si’s first kiss. (Because this is a drama, after all, and a surprising number of leading ladies have spent the majority of their lives in a nunnery… *I jest.*) First kiss or not, Tian Xing definitely crossed a line, forcing himself on Le Si as he did. It’s one thing to tell a girl you like her, it’s another to use that as an excuse to force a most unwelcome kiss on an already hurt and unsuspecting victim. Kudos to Le Si for standing up for herself and setting Tian Xing straight with a very solid smack in the face. Violence may not be the answer but I think we can all agree, he totally deserved that! What I found most amusing about this whole kiss scene was Tian Xing’s reaction afterward… He was so upset and I think his frustration was an equal mixture of anger at himself for acting so rashly and disappointment that Le Si didn’t give into the kiss half-way through. Oh Tian Xing! If only you’d learn how to behave like a normal, decent person! Your life would be far less complicated!


Honestly, I don’t understand why Tian Xing can’t just start to act more like Xiao Lu. I would think that it would be terribly obvious that Le Si has fallen for Xiao Lu, at least in part, because he’s such a nice guy. Didn’t Le Si say as much last week, when Xiao Lu asked her why she cared so much about what happened to him? If Tian Xing would start being just a little bit nicer to Le Si, he might find that she’d be more than happy to drop her frigid facade and gradually let him into her heart. I mean it was pretty obvious, when they were trapped in the props warehouse overnight, that when they’re not picking on each other, they’re actually very comfortable around each other (as in comfortable enough to fall asleep snuggled up on a couch together). Le Si can’t deny that Tian Xing has made her heart flutter on more than one occasion so he has a fighting chance, he just needs to realize that being a massive jerk all the time is never going to win him the girl.

i really like you

In other romantical news, Leo is being a total jerk to Miao Miao who, very bravely, confessed her feelings for him this week. I give Miao Miao props for her bravery but really, she should have expected such a cold answer from a guy who is so obviously interested in someone else. Being an astute observer of Leo, Miao Miao has had her suspicions of Leo’s feelings for Le Si for forever so I can’t really understand her irrational reaction to his rejection. Yes, being rejected by the guy you like is painful but when you know he likes someone else, why bother to confess at all? It’s obvious Miao Miao knew Leo was upset by the blossoming romance between Le Si and Xiao Lu so I’m wondering if she somehow thought confessing her feelings would make Leo forget about Le Si or, if nothing else, just make him feel better? I’m not really sure what the reason was, other than the writers wanted a reason for both Le Si and Miao Miao to be lying in bed crying. I guess that’s super dramatic or something…

don't cry

Whatever the case may be, things are starting to become very confusing for both Tian Xing and Le Si. I don’t usually like to talk about previews for next week’s episode because they’re so open for misinterpretation but there were a couple of scenes that made my heart skip a beat and I’m super excited to see the events leading up to said scenes. As we wait for the next episode to be released, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this week’s happenings so be sure to leave me a comment below!


You can catch up on all of my past reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

4 Replies to “ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Fall In Love With Me Episode 6”

  1. I’m beginning to think that this is some spin-off of the Beauty & The Beast type story. I think Tian Xing is like the Beast and Le Si is the Beauty. In the beginning, the Beast sort of forces his way into making Beauty like him, but it ends up backfiring on him. I think it isn’t until Tian Xing lets down his guard will Le Si start to fall in love with him. Actually, this is all very confusing because, like I said in the last review’s comments, Tian Xing is really confused about his identity. Does he want to continue living like Tian Xing? We have no idea what his personality was like before he quit, but if he’s so easily capable of being a nice person (Xiao Lu), he can’t be that devious, at least, outside of work. Anyway, that’s confusing.
    Later on, I really think Miao Miao made a mistake this time around. She picked the worst timing to confess her feelings. It’s no secret that Leo likes Le Si. I wouldn’t even go there to confess to him at this moment of time when he was so upset over Le Si. Miao Miao was asking for a rejection. In the end, she hurt herself. I think it’s really not a good time. I’m not sure when is a good time, but certainly that timing wasn’t and now she has to live with working with Leo, knowing how embarrassing it is for him to know that she likes him.
    In the end, I really do want Le Si to fall in love with Tian Xing, but then she can naturally draw out Xiao Lu then in him. The way things are going, the story is much more complicated than the situation. I have a feeling everything will fall apart and soon.

    1. I have that same ominous feeling, like things are beginning to slowly crack and before we know it, the whole thing is going to crumble spectacularly to pieces. I wish I could see deeper into the story so I could get at least a vague idea of how things will piece back together but as of yet, I just don’t have a clue. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that, like you said, Tian Xing is a really confused person and because he can’t figure out who he is, we can’t figure out who he is and that makes the whole story confusing because he’s at the center of the whole darn thing!
      I’m just as confused as you are when it comes to deciding which side of Tian Xing is the “real” him. I really can’t understand how he can switch characters so completely that he even acts differently at home than he does when he’s out with Le Si and the rest of the OZ gang. For one, I can’t understand how Uncle Fu can put up with it and for another, I can’t see how he can be so completely and perfectly bi-polar. I, for one, would think that at least slight traces of one side would seep into the other, at least occasionally but from what we’ve seen now, that doesn’t seem to be the case. I think perhaps this is one area where Aaron Yan, as an actor, is really taking this dual role to an extreme. I’m not really sure if he’s so precise with the separate personalities because it’s the way he’s been directed or if he really believes that one person playing two roles can actually keep the two separate at all times. Either way, he’s playing both Tian Xing and Xiao Lu exceptionally well and it’s leaving us, as the audience, quite perplexed.
      I would really like to cheer for Tian Xing when it comes to winning Le Si’s heart because I like the tension between them, for one, and for another, I think that Tian Xing is actually the “real deal.” He may be rough around the edges but I believe his intentions and feelings towards Le Si are real and I think they’ll both be happier together in the long run than if Tian Xing decided to take on the Xiao Lu role forever. That would actually be miserable for Tian Xing as I don’t think he could never live with himself for long, if he were living a lie. (I believe his current dilemma is a perfect case in point.) As you said, if Tian Xing would just drop the entitled, spoiled rich kid act and start behaving more like a decent human being, I think Le Si would have no trouble in falling for him. (I believe the time in the warehouse proved that.)
      As for Miao Miao, yeah, she picked the absolute worst time in the world to confess her feelings. If she thought that letting Leo know there was someone out there who liked him, would cheer him up, she was sorely mistaken. Poor girl. I’d like to feel bad for her but I really can’t. She brought her current misery on herself and now she’s just going to have to hope that Leo can eventually let Le Si go. (I’m not holding my breath on that one!)
      I can’t remember if I said this in my original review but there’s a part of me that wonders if Le Si isn’t actually beginning to suspect that Xiao Lu and Tian Xing are the same person. There was something in the way she looked when Tian Xing asked if he’d actually done anything to harm her or OZ… As if the memory of Xiao Lu asking the same thing has made something inside her brain click and she’s suddenly put two and two together. I can’t really explain her reaction to Tian Xing’s kiss any other way… Unless, of course, she’s torn because she actually enjoyed that kiss and she’s mad at herself for feeling something for Tian Xing when she thought she was totally devoted to Xiao Lu… With this being Dramaland, I suppose anything’s possible. What do you think?

      1. You hit the spot with Tian Xing. We have no idea who he is and who he wants to be. I guess I’ll go with the flow and see what happens next. I really wanted to scream at the TV screen for Le Si because there were so many clues about Xiao Lu’s identity, yet, she is oblivious to all of them. I was thinking to myself, if she doesn’t doubt Tian Xing showing up to places where Xiao Lu is supposed to be and not doubting that, I will flip a table. Another part of me is confused about the time after their kiss as you mentioned. Why is Le Si so distraught about the kiss that she has to hide in the bathroom and cry? Is it that serious? If I didn’t like a guy, I would just be disgusted and move on. There’s no reason to bawl and be depressed for the rest of the night. Or was she really upset that she didn’t have a first kiss with Xiao Lu instead? I think she does have some kind of feeling for both personalities, but is just…confused.

        1. I totally agree with you! I think what this all boils down to is a pair of leads who are both completely confused as to who they are and even more confused about who they like. Perhaps if they focused solely on trying to figure themselves out first, the rest would slowly fall into place… It’s just a theory but I think it would certainly be worth a shot!

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