TUNE OF THE WEEK: Eric Nam “Ooh Ooh”

titleI’m gonna be honest here, I had the hardest time trying to figure out which song should be this week’s featured tune and after much deliberation (with no real conclusion) it came down to me asking my tweenager to decide between Eric Nam and BTS (very scientific, I know) and “Ooh Ooh” was the winner. So here you go, this week’s featured tune… Eric Nam’s “Ooh Ooh”

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HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 13-14 (1/2)

finally show your true colorsIt never fails with this drama, just when I think I’ve got this drama all figured out… WHAM! Something comes up, out of nowhere, and throws a great-big-giant monkey wrench into all of my well-thought-out ideas and I’m left wondering just what the heck is going on… Which is probably why I love Bride of the Century  as much as I do. Just when you think it’s going to become a more typical (and therefore predictable drama) it surprises you by becoming something so much more than you expected. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 13-14 (1/2)”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (4/4)

opening titleZombie: Can you believe it? The end of Emergency Couple has finally come… *sniff sniff* Yes, I’m holding back my tears… but honestly, it’s not because this drama has ended, it’s more “I don’t want to say goodbye to my lovely friends!” Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (4/4)”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (3/4)

Gook Chun Soo watches Oh Chang Min and Oh Jin Hee kissEmergency Couple has officially ended. What will I watch now? The ending was nice, but the story still left me scratching my head. My name is Karen and it has been a pleasure for me to write Emergency Couple Hallyu Zombie reviews with my partners, Zombie Mamma and Tanya. Over the course of eleven weeks, we have experienced the ups and downs of our Emergency Couple couples so I would like to give my final thoughts on each couple. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (3/4)”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (2/4)

Well, as they say “all good things must come to and end.” That’s now the case for Emergency Couple as its last two episodes aired, but I am left feeling content overall. The struggle of these characters over the past 11 weeks didn’t necessarily make sense at first, but once you look past the minor details you can definitely enjoy the storyline. Let’s jump into the last two episodes. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (2/4)”


Truth titleSo every once in a while I’ll stumble upon a video on YouTube that just suddenly makes me go all squishy inside and I wanna share all of my fangirl gushings with the world. The problem is, I could never figure out exactly how or where to do that, until now… Welcome to “Release the Fangirl!” From now on, whenever I find something that strikes my fangirl fancy, I’m gonna share it with the world for no other reason than simply “because I can” so if fangirling isn’t  your thing, you may wan to just pass this one by. Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! CNBLUE “Truth””

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (1/4)

four friendsThough it’s hard to believe, this week brings with it the final episodes of Emergency Couple and while this drama and I got off on the wrong foot, I’ll be the first to admit that this drama has steadily grown on me, so much so that I’m actually a little sad to be saying my final farewells. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 20-21 (1/4)”

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