HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 1-2 (1/2)


Hey everyone! Hallyu Tanya and I have teamed up once again to bring you a weekly review of SBS’s newest drama, Doctor Stranger  and with so much happening in these first two episodes, there’s no time to waste on introductions. We’ve got a drama to talk about, so let’s get to it!  Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 1-2 (1/2)”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Angel Eyes Episodes 1-2

adorable kids kissingI just want to start out by saying that I never planned on writing a review of Angel Eyes because, let’s face it, we’re already six episodes in and that’s quite a lot to catch up on but I started watching it this weekend and was immediately hooked. So here I sit, ready to dive into this roller-coaster ride of feels the rest of the world knows as Angel Eyes. Care to join me?

Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Angel Eyes Episodes 1-2”


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After talking with some of my lovely Twitter friends this week, I’ve decided that I need to go back to my K-drama roots and dig up some of the first dramas I ever watched, just to reminisce a little about how this whole Hallyu craze of mine began. So join me as I travel down memory lane a bit and recommend, for your weekend drama marathon, the second drama I ever watched and the one that sealed my K-Drama addiction, Playful Kiss. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Playful Kiss”

TUNE OF THE WEEK: UglyPumpkin “From Yesterday”

7Once again, this past week has been a bit light on the K-Pop comebacks and debuts which is understandable, given the circumstance. While some may moan about the lack of new music, I’ve decided to embrace this slight hiatus as a way to highlight some of the awesome music that was sadly overlooked in the massive flood of K-Pop comebacks and debuts that we were blessed with earlier this year. For this week’s featured tune I’ve decided to focus my attention on a little-known hip-hop trio, known humbly as UglyPumpkin, who debuted in March with the totally adorable single “From Yesterday.” Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: UglyPumpkin “From Yesterday””

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