ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 13-14

I always find it funny, the way I get so anxious for a drama OTP to get together. I always feel like the world’s going to end if they don’t hurry up and realize their feelings for each other, even though I know that as soon as they do, something awful is going to happen that will ultimately drive them apart. It’s just one of those terrible drama laws that you can never really escape which is why I was so worried about Bok Joo, Joon Hyung and their fledgling relationship in these next two episodes. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 13-14”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: February’s K-Pop Comeback Lineup

As January starts to draw to a close, several groups have started dropping hints about upcoming comebacks. While it may still be too early for several of these groups to begin their merciless teasing, there’s still plenty to squee over as anticipation for these February comebacks begins to build. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: February’s K-Pop Comeback Lineup”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 11-12

These next two episodes were quite the emotional roller coaster, with plenty of ups and downs, but ultimately, that ride of crazy led us to some pretty sweet moments. Moments in which invoked all sorts of warm-fuzzies and a whole lotta happy Zombie squealing! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 11-12”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 9-10

These next two episodes were pretty rough for Bok Joo, as she has a lot she has to deal with, both physically and emotionally. Between dealing with her feelings for the doctor, her demanding training schedule and life throwing the weightlifting club a giant curve ball,  it’s not surprising Bok Joo comes to find herself stuck in a pretty serious slump. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 9-10”

K-POP ONE-STOP: January 7-13, 2017

Oh Friday, my old friend! How I’ve missed you! My life has… Oh never mind! I need to shut up before I end up exposing my insanity to the world… Though now that I think about it, it might be a little too late to be worrying about that now… Oh well! At I’ve got a new playlist full of all kinds of goodness here to distract you from the fact that I may have finally lost my mind. Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: January 7-13, 2017”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 7-8

In my last review, I wondered just how long Bok Joo was going to be able to keep her trips to the weight-loss clinic a secret. It would seem that in these next two episodes, that questions got answered and boy, do things get ugly! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Episodes 7-8”

My Current Obsession: 7 First Kisses

Today’s one of those days when no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to focus on anything. Instead of getting frustrated over my inability to do anything useful, I’ve decided to embrace my inner sloth, while simultaneously indulge my pathetic need to surround myself with pretty. Lots of pretty, if at all possible. And chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate… (Yeah, today is definitely one of those days!) Continue reading “My Current Obsession: 7 First Kisses”

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