14 Days of Fangirling-Days 13-14: Bias Wreckers and Favorite Drama Moments

I don’t know why, but the topics for these last two days of fangirling make me laugh so much but they do. I think it might have something to do with the fact that they’re forcing me to own up to just how fangirly I am, but who knows? It’s not like my fangirly side is some major secret I’m afraid to show the world. ㅋㅋㅋ Continue reading “14 Days of Fangirling-Days 13-14: Bias Wreckers and Favorite Drama Moments”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: Time-Traveling Cops and Too Much Pretty to Handle

We’re barely a week into March and already I feel like my poor fangirl heart is about to explode. Between the overwhelming number of K-Pop comebacks that have already happened since the beginning of the month, and the number of comebacks I’m looking forward to, it’s kinda hard to imagine how I’m going to survive the coming weeks. Of course, being the devoted fangirl I am, I’m determined to muster my strength and soldier on as best I can. (Though it might not hurt to keep a defibrillator on standby, just in case.) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Time-Traveling Cops and Too Much Pretty to Handle”

14 Days of Fangirling – Days 11-12: Favorite Fashions and Back Hugs

I’m not really sure where the ladies over at Dramas With a Side of Kimchi got all of their ideas for these 14 days of fangirling but they’re a whole lot of fun to write about, mostly because they’re giving me a chance to talk about things I wouldn’t normally mention. Things like fashion and travel and back hugs and the many dangers of the bias wrecker… Oh wait. I think I may already have that last one covered…  Continue reading “14 Days of Fangirling – Days 11-12: Favorite Fashions and Back Hugs”

14 Days of Fangirling – Days 9 & 10: Second Leads and Workout Tunes

I’m really glad the awesome ladies over at Dramas with a Side of Kimchi decided to do this 14 Days of Fangirling because I’m having a whole lot of fun with this! Today’s fangirling asks which actors seem forever destined to play second leads and which K-Pop tracks top my workout playlist. Are you ready for this? Then let’s go! Continue reading “14 Days of Fangirling – Days 9 & 10: Second Leads and Workout Tunes”

14 Days of Fangirling – Days 7 & 8: Drama Destinations and Favorite Tropes

In my continuing efforts to keep up with Dramas with a Side of Kimchi’s 14 Days of Fangirling, I shall attempt to do the impossible. That is, I shall attempt to name the one place I want to visit, simply because I saw it in a drama and the one drama trope I love most. Let’s see how well this goes, shall we? Continue reading “14 Days of Fangirling – Days 7 & 8: Drama Destinations and Favorite Tropes”