TUESDAY’S TEASE: Why Is GOT7 Trying to Kill Us And Other Unanswerable Questions

Life is full of unanswerable questions. Questions like: Why do socks always go missing when you do laundry? Does the man in the moon like cheese? Why do I always fall for the second lead in dramas? Will I ever see INFINITE perform in person? The universe if full of questions and yet, the question I’m most often ask is simply this: WHY THE HECK IS EVERY SINGLE K-POP COMEBACK DESIGNED TO DESTROY ME!?! Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Why Is GOT7 Trying to Kill Us And Other Unanswerable Questions”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: B.A.P’s Teasers O’Death, Bromancey Goodness and Hoya’s Return to the Small Screen

Every time I think I’m going to get a break from killer comebacks, a group I love inevitably announces their imminent return and I end up squealing so hard I fall right out of my chair! I swear, it’s a good thing I’m a zombie because this endless string of comebacks would undoubtedly be the death of me. I guess sometimes it pays to be one of the undead. ㅋㅋㅋ Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: B.A.P’s Teasers O’Death, Bromancey Goodness and Hoya’s Return to the Small Screen”

K-POP ONE-STOP: February 11-17, 2017

There’s nothing better than a Friday, except maybe a Friday that also happens to be a concert day. Which it is. At least for those of us going to see B1A4 in Chicago. (Eeek! I’m so excited!) I guess before I get carried away with all of my hyper-caffeinated bean sprout-y emotions, I should probably calm myself down long enough to enjoy some of this week’s newest K-Pop MVs. Care to join me? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: February 11-17, 2017”


With today being Valentine’s Day and all, I thought I’d do a little something special to celebrate. Now, I know not everyone in the world enjoys Valentine’s Day but I’m a fan (not just of Valentine’s Day but of holidays in general) so, of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share a little Valentine’s Day love. That’s why I’ve put together a playlist of some of my favorite lovey-dovey songs, just for you! Continue reading “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: Or Should I Say Tuesday’s Tears?



It feels like there’s so much going on in the world of K-Pop right now, it’s almost impossible for me to keep up with it all! Everywhere I look, there’s a new bunch of teaser photos to swoon over or a new MV to squeal my way though and the fact that I’ve been buried under a mountain of plushie orders only makes things harder as every time I come up for air, I almost immediately fall over because some group has just taken my breath away. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Or Should I Say Tuesday’s Tears?”

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