Farewell BABYz 3We all know that being a K-pop fangirl isn’t easy, especially when you happen to be one of the unlucky ones who happens to live half a world away from your beloved idols. We all know the sacrifices we’ve made, skipping sleep to vote for our bias groups as they make their comeback appearances on various music shows… The ridicule we’ve had to endure as those around us scoff at our undying love for a genera of music that makes no sense to them because “you can’t understand the words…”  And the agony we live with, knowing that we’ll probably go our entire lives without ever meeting any of our idols in person…  See? Being a K-pop fangirl is rough but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own set of rewards.

Continue reading “MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: When Dreams Come True”

MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: Beware The Bias-Wreckers!

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As a K-Pop fangirl, having a list of biases a mile long is nothing new… Well, at least for me it isn’t. Being a serious multi-fan, I’m always adding new idols to my bias list and I’m cool with that. I spend hours scouring the internet for new bands and comebacks, just looking to add another song to my ever-growing K-Pop playlist but every once in a while, as I’m bopping my way along a new (or even not so new) band will sneak up out of nowhere and… BAM! Suddenly my bias list has a six new members that I never saw coming. Continue reading “MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: Beware The Bias-Wreckers!”

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