RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend “Alarm”

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As we all know, Boyfriend is back and their promotions for Obsession are in full swing (and all the Bestfriends in the world rejoiced). After a year and a half of silence, it seems Boyfriend has decided that the only way to make up for their long absence is by bombarding their fans with a flood of adorableness so powerful it knocks us all off our feet and personally, I’m okay with that. After wowing Bestfriends with their rougher, tougher, bad boy image in “Obsession,” Boyfriend has taken a much larger step towards proving their maturity by releasing the soulful and quite lovely “Alarm.” Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend “Alarm””

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Boyfriend’s Back!


Seventeen months since their last comeback, Boyfriend has finally decided to grace us with a new music video and HOLY COW! Needless to say, I think “Obsession” was worth the wait! Coming back all tattooed and tough as Peter Pan’s Lost Boys, Boyfriend has decided to show us a whole new side of them with “Obsession” and I, for one, love it! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Boyfriend’s Back!”

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Holy Lots of Comebacks Batman!

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One would think that after so many amazing comebacks this past month there couldn’t possibly be anything left for me to spazz about but OH NO! On the very heels of VIXX’s comeback (from which I’m STILL trying to recover) the K-Pop gods have decided to try to completely do me in as the teasers that have been released this week, for upcoming comebacks, has very nearly stopped my heart. I mean have you seen the list of bands making a comeback in June??? It’s no wonder I can’t breathe! Look… Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Holy Lots of Comebacks Batman!”

MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: Beware The Bias-Wreckers!

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As a K-Pop fangirl, having a list of biases a mile long is nothing new… Well, at least for me it isn’t. Being a serious multi-fan, I’m always adding new idols to my bias list and I’m cool with that. I spend hours scouring the internet for new bands and comebacks, just looking to add another song to my ever-growing K-Pop playlist but every once in a while, as I’m bopping my way along a new (or even not so new) band will sneak up out of nowhere and… BAM! Suddenly my bias list has a six new members that I never saw coming. Continue reading “MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: Beware The Bias-Wreckers!”

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