HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Tomorrow’s Cantabile Episodes 1-2


Hey everyone! Hallyu Tanya and I are back with yet another video drama review! (I know, you’re all jumping for joy now. What a coincidence, so are we!) This time we’re reviewing Tomorrow’s Cantabile and I have to say, we’re both pretty darn excited about this one so let’s get to it! Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Tomorrow’s Cantabile Episodes 1-2”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful


Earlier this week, I was looking back over the past few months of posts, trying to decide which drama to feature for this week’s Friday Night Drama and I was mortified to find that I had yet to say anything about one of my most favorite dramas in the whole wide world, the delightfully fluffy, idol-filled treat, You’re BeautifulSo here I sit, ready to dive into what has to be the most influential drama I have ever had the pleasure to watch… Are you ready? Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: You’re Beautiful”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)


There was a lot more back and forth between “Is she Seung Hee or is she Jae Hee?” this week and I can honestly just about the time I’m sure of who she is, there is another twist with the character and then I’m confused all over again. In my opinion, this signals an amazing drama! I’m impressed… Let’s get into this week’s happenings. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Angel Eyes Episodes 11-12

welcome home

Why is it that whenever things in Dramaland finally start to go right, something or someone has to step in and ruin everything? It’s like the Dramaland gods can’t stand to see people happy for long so they have to throw a giant monkey wrench at the main characters’ heads, just because they can, which is exactly what happened in this week’s episodes of Angel Eyes. (Grrrr!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Angel Eyes Episodes 11-12”

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