HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: The Greatest Marriage Episodes 1-2


Hey everyone! Hallyu Tanya and I are back with yet another video drama review (Whoa! We’re on a roll!) and this time we’re chatting about CSTV’s newest drama, The Greatest Marriage.

So tell us, what did you think of these first two episodes? Did you find them as funny as we did? Are you as intrigued by these characters and their relationships as we are? Where do you see things going from here? As always, we’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave us a comment below!

If you want to hear more from Hallyu Tanya and Zombie Mamma you can always follow them on Twitter @Hallyu_Tanya and @TheZombieMamma (No, really, you should follow them… They really love hearing from you!)

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 13-14 (1/2)

finally show your true colorsIt never fails with this drama, just when I think I’ve got this drama all figured out… WHAM! Something comes up, out of nowhere, and throws a great-big-giant monkey wrench into all of my well-thought-out ideas and I’m left wondering just what the heck is going on… Which is probably why I love Bride of the Century  as much as I do. Just when you think it’s going to become a more typical (and therefore predictable drama) it surprises you by becoming something so much more than you expected. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 13-14 (1/2)”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 11-12 (2/2)

service is terrible

Tanya: I’m seriously disappointed in ALL of the characters in Bride of the Century this week. I mean, what is this?! Let’s-go-back-to-middle-school-time? How can Doo Rim makes everything her fault and then get angry when Kang Ju blames her? And what is with this childish revenge, Kang Ju? Seriously.

Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 11-12 (2/2)”

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 7-8 (2/2)

the ringZombie: So jumping right into this week’s discussion… What did you two think of Yi Hyun’s sudden proposal to Doo Rim? Is it just me or was that a little out of nowhere?


Tanya: It seemed very rushed and honestly, there is no way that was the right time for it. I get he doesn’t want to lose her, but they have no other relationship other than her pretending to be his sister. That doesn’t really equate to marriage for me.

  Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Bride of the Century Episodes 7-8 (2/2)”

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