HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)


There was a lot more back and forth between “Is she Seung Hee or is she Jae Hee?” this week and I can honestly just about the time I’m sure of who she is, there is another twist with the character and then I’m confused all over again. In my opinion, this signals an amazing drama! I’m impressed… Let’s get into this week’s happenings. Continue reading “HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 7-8 (1/2)”

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: My Love From Another Star

If you’re one of those who waits for the end of a currently airing drama so you can marathon the entire show in one, go you’re in luck because this week brought us the end of, what has to be, one of the best K-Dramas I have ever watched, SBS’s sci-fi/romantic drama, My Love From Another Star.

Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: My Love From Another Star”

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