TUNES OF THE WEEK: What You Might Have Missed

With so many songs being released this week, I felt bad about only being able to highlight one as my Tune of the Week so I decided to give you a chance to listen to those songs that are worth a listen but didn’t make the Tune of the Week cut. So here they are, in no particular order…

1. Rain “30Sexy”

or if you prefer, here’s the alternate version of “30Sexy”

2. Rain “La Song”

3. BEAT WIN “She’s My Girl”

4. C-Clown “Tell Me” (and just so you know, this isn’t the official MV, it’s just a “making of” MV they released as a teaser pre-release of their upcoming album Crowns)

and I couldn’t pass up the chance to put this week’s featured tune…

5. Ailee “Singing Got Better”

So which song was your favorite? Were there any I missed? Whose comeback are you  most looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below!

TUNE OF THE WEEK: Ailee “Singing Got Better”

This past week has brought with it the release of several new comeback songs by some of K-Pop’s biggest stars (most notably Ailee and Rain) as well as the debut of the new K-Pop boy band, BEAT WIN, so trying to decide which tune to feature has been a bit rough. However, after much research, MV watching and deliberating, Ailee’s powerful new single, “Singing Got Better” is the song that hit me hardest, which is why it wins this week’s music spotlight.


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