RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Soul Has Been Revived


It’s no secret that I am a devout Starlight. I’ve spazzed enough on this blog to make it perfectly clear that, as much as I love all K-Pop bands (and I really do love them all, to one degree or another), VIXX holds a special place in my heart. They are an infinite source of inspiration and motivation for me, as I drag myself through the mundane of my every day and above all, they are the sunshine that brightens my occasionally dreary world. In short, they make my heart happy but not always… Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Soul Has Been Revived”



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I know that Y.Bird’s LYn x LEO collaboration was released a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t have time to squee over it at the time because I was too Leo 2busy getting ready to leave for L.A. and honestly, I was too full of feels to even begin to talk about this amazing video without melting into a giant puddle of fangirl goo. Even now, weeks later, I’m still not sure I can actually handle this song but I’ve gotta try! The fangirl in me has been dying to squee over Leo in this video for weeks! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL: LYn x LEO “Blossom Tears””

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