TUESDAY’S TEASE: February’s K-Pop Comeback Lineup

As January starts to draw to a close, several groups have started dropping hints about upcoming comebacks. While it may still be too early for several of these groups to begin their merciless teasing, there’s still plenty to squee over as anticipation for these February comebacks begins to build. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: February’s K-Pop Comeback Lineup”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIGBANG, Jonghyun and A Whole Lot of Hopeless Fangirling


With the end of the year fast approaching, the number of K-Pop and K-Drama releases is definitely dwindling, which makes it a bit difficult to write about all the things we have to look forward to in the coming weeks because well… There’s just not that much to write about. Or is there? Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIGBANG, Jonghyun and A Whole Lot of Hopeless Fangirling”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: So Many Dramas, So Little Time


The best thing about writing a post focused solely on all of the music and dramas that are soon to be released is that there is just SO MUCH to write about, especially this time of year. It seems like groups are constantly promoting new material and the dramas… Oh! The dramas! There are so many that have me squealing like the fangirl I am and they haven’t even started airing yet! Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: So Many Dramas, So Little Time”



Despite the fact that I am currently running through life at speeds that could rival The Flash, I had to take a few minutes to sit down and talk about all the new K-Pop goodness being teased at the moment because OH MY GOSH THERE’S SO MUCH NEW STUFF COMING I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT ALL! (Okay, so maybe the stress of the upcoming holiday is kinda starting to get to me…) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BIG BANG, B1A4, Zico and More!”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: SEVENTEEN, UP10TION and Fantasy Dramas Galore!

3I’m convinced the best way to fight off a cold is by overdosing on all things Hallyu. There’s really nothing better for the ailing fangirl than a solid day of drama watching and an overdose of K-Pop cuteness. (Or so I’ve been telling myself the past couple of days as I’ve laid on the couch willing my head not to explode…) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: SEVENTEEN, UP10TION and Fantasy Dramas Galore!”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: ASTRO and BTOB Join the Fall Comeback Lineup


It’s no secret that this fall has been nothing less than a lethal string of comebacks designed solely to bring both life and death to K-Pop fans the world over. One might think that with such an overwhelming number of comebacks dropping in October, things might slow down a bit now that it’s November. But nope! This string of fall comebacks seems to be almost never-ending as ASTRO and BTOB have recently jumped aboard the comeback train. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: ASTRO and BTOB Join the Fall Comeback Lineup”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: EXO’s First Sub-Unit, Mermaids and the Whispered Promise of a BIGBANG Comeback


Tuesdays have suddenly become a favorite of mine, mostly because I get to sit here and squee over all of the upcoming K-Dramas and K-Pop comebacks I’m most looking forward to. It’s really a very exciting thing, scouring the internet for all of the goodies that come with comebacks and drama premiers, especially when you come up with a list full of personal favorites. (I feel like I’ve hit the fangirl jackpot or something!) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: EXO’s First Sub-Unit, Mermaids and the Whispered Promise of a BIGBANG Comeback”

TUESDAY’S TEASE: 100%, GOT7, and Entourage


There are so many wonderful things to look forward to in the coming weeks, as both a K-Pop and K-Drama fan, as the list of group comebacks and new dramas seems almost never-ending. With so many things to look forward to, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Of course that doesn’t stop me from trying… Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: 100%, GOT7, and Entourage”


Group 2

I know there are about a zillion other things I should be doing right now (and I’m very well aware my review of Twenty Again is one of them… Don’t worry, it’s coming.) but you know what? Sometimes a fangirl just has to squee and right now is DEFINITELY one of those times! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL: FANGIRL DOWN! I REPEAT, FANGIRL DOWN!”

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