ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 7-8

these two

OH MY GIDDY FLIPPING AUNT! Between the massive attack of warm-fuzzies, the interrogation of a criminal, the revelation of the true criminal mastermind and a kiss, pieces of this mysterious puzzle are slowly falling into place and I’m so overrun by feels I think my heart may actually explode. To say this week’s episodes were enjoyable would be the understatement of the century. Needless to say, there’s much to discuss so let’s get to it! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 7-8”

ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Someone Like You Episode 3


When it comes to action, there wasn’t much in this weeks episode but we did get to see several characters in a new light, we were introduced to a couple new characters and Fang Zhan Cheng learned a rather important lesson which means we’ve still got plenty to talk about. Hooray! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S T-DRAMA REVIEW: Someone Like You Episode 3”

ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 1-2

saved you

I honestly can’t believe I’m writing two different drama reviews at the moment (Do you have any idea what it takes to write one of these?) but when I realized Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min were starring in a drama together I just had to watch it and that inspired me to review it and well, here I sit, ready to dive into the wonderful world of Hyde, Jekyll and I. Care to join  me? Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 1-2”

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