ASTRO’s Back With “Baby” And I Can’t Stop Smiling!

I know it’s a holiday weekend, here in the States, so writing this puts me in danger of getting griped at by certain family members but sometimes you just gotta let the fangirl out regardless and this is certainly one of those times! I mean it’s not every day you get a new ASTRO MV so full of cuteness and sunshine you feel like all of life’s problems have simply melted away! I couldn’t help but squeal just a little!

And really, who could blame me?

I mean seriously! These boys!

I don’t know how they do it but ASTRO just keeps getting more and more adorable with every comeback! They’re just the cutest bunch of munchkins ever and this particular comeback has made me ridiculously happy. I honestly can’t stop watching this MV. It’s just so fantastic on so many levels! The song itself is absolutely perfect for a late spring/early summer comeback. It’s bright and happy and fun and just so. darn. cute! The only thing that could make the song any better would be an MV that’s just a happy and fun and cute and well, that’s exactly what ASTRO delivers! The concept for “Baby” really is perfect for this time of year and I love that they’re carrying over the soda bottle theme they used around this same time last year in their “숨가빠 (Breathless)” MV. It’s just such a nice touch to add to this MV and for some reason, it makes me smile. A lot.

In all honesty, this entire video makes me smile. And really, how could I do anything but? ASTRO is just such a brilliant ray of sunshine, every time I watch anything they’re in, I find myself smiling. They’re like that opening your window on the first warm, sunny day of spring and letting that first waft of fresh air wash over you. After enduring a long, cold, awful winter, that first breath of spring is so refreshing, it rejuvenates your entire soul and so does ASTRO. At least, that’s what they do for me. They’re my sunny spring day, my brilliant rays of sunshine after a week of cold, rainy days, the group I always turn to when I need a pick-me-up because I know that no matter what it is I’m watching, when they’re around I can’t help but feel like the world is a beautiful place to be even when I’m so stressed I feel like I’m about to fall over dead. (Yeah, I know I’m dramatic but c’mon! Who hasn’t been that stressed at least once in their life?)

I’m know I’m doing all kinds of fangirl gushing right now so I’ll spare you any more by wrapping this up here. I just needed to get a little squealing out before I went back to all of my regular holiday weekend chores. If you happen to love this comeback as much as I do, feel free to squeal with me in the comments below! After all, it’s always more fun to squee with friends!

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