group 1Yup, you read that right! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014! Last night during KCON’s weekly #KCONLiveChat, our friendly LiveChat moderators, Hoon and Vanessa, announced that VIXX has joined the slowly growing number of artists that will be attending KCON 2014 this August, in Los Angeles, California and I’m so flipping excited, I just had to take a moment and share my joy with the world. Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! VIXX IS COMING TO KCON 2014!!!”

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend “Alarm”

south side

As we all know, Boyfriend is back and their promotions for Obsession are in full swing (and all the Bestfriends in the world rejoiced). After a year and a half of silence, it seems Boyfriend has decided that the only way to make up for their long absence is by bombarding their fans with a flood of adorableness so powerful it knocks us all off our feet and personally, I’m okay with that. After wowing Bestfriends with their rougher, tougher, bad boy image in “Obsession,” Boyfriend has taken a much larger step towards proving their maturity by releasing the soulful and quite lovely “Alarm.” Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Boyfriend “Alarm””

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Boyfriend’s Back!


Seventeen months since their last comeback, Boyfriend has finally decided to grace us with a new music video and HOLY COW! Needless to say, I think “Obsession” was worth the wait! Coming back all tattooed and tough as Peter Pan’s Lost Boys, Boyfriend has decided to show us a whole new side of them with “Obsession” and I, for one, love it! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! My Boyfriend’s Back!”


unplugged teaser cuties 1I can’t believe B.A.P released the MV for “Where Are You” earlier this week and I haven’t spazzed about it once! What is wrong with me? And I call myself a BABY! *hangs head in shame* I may be late in my spazzing here but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been spazzing on my own. The truth is, I’ve been squealing over the adorableness of this MV since it was released and how could I not? It’s seriously the. most. adorable. music video on the face of the planet! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! B.A.P “어디니? 뭐하니?””

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Holy Lots of Comebacks Batman!

unplugged teaser

One would think that after so many amazing comebacks this past month there couldn’t possibly be anything left for me to spazz about but OH NO! On the very heels of VIXX’s comeback (from which I’m STILL trying to recover) the K-Pop gods have decided to try to completely do me in as the teasers that have been released this week, for upcoming comebacks, has very nearly stopped my heart. I mean have you seen the list of bands making a comeback in June??? It’s no wonder I can’t breathe! Look… Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! Holy Lots of Comebacks Batman!”


be free bad boys
oh snapsOkay, so last night I was browsing through all the latest K-Pop MVs on YouTube as I worked on my K-POP ONE-STOP post and I stumbled upon F.T. Island’s latest Japanese release, “Be Free” (or “Freedom” depending on which translation you want to go with) and very nearly fell out of my chair! Ohmagoodness! Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! F.T. Island “Be Free””

RELEASE THE FANGIRL! LEDApple’s Yongjun and Hanbyul’s Cover of One Republic’s “Counting Stars”

titleOkay, so I said that whenever I stumbled upon something that really struck me as awesome and amazing I’d write about it here and Oh. My. Word. Have I found something amazingly fantastic here!

Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! LEDApple’s Yongjun and Hanbyul’s Cover of One Republic’s “Counting Stars””


Farewell BABYz 3We all know that being a K-pop fangirl isn’t easy, especially when you happen to be one of the unlucky ones who happens to live half a world away from your beloved idols. We all know the sacrifices we’ve made, skipping sleep to vote for our bias groups as they make their comeback appearances on various music shows… The ridicule we’ve had to endure as those around us scoff at our undying love for a genera of music that makes no sense to them because “you can’t understand the words…”  And the agony we live with, knowing that we’ll probably go our entire lives without ever meeting any of our idols in person…  See? Being a K-pop fangirl is rough but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own set of rewards.

Continue reading “MUSINGS OF A K-POP FANGIRL: When Dreams Come True”

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