Truth titleSo every once in a while I’ll stumble upon a video on YouTube that just suddenly makes me go all squishy inside and I wanna share all of my fangirl gushings with the world. The problem is, I could never figure out exactly how or where to do that, until now… Welcome to “Release the Fangirl!” From now on, whenever I find something that strikes my fangirl fancy, I’m gonna share it with the world for no other reason than simply “because I can” so if fangirling isn’t  your thing, you may wan to just pass this one by. Continue reading “RELEASE THE FANGIRL! CNBLUE “Truth””

TUNE OF THE WEEK: Boyfriend “My Avatar” & Super Junior M “Swing”

BFAvatar-1SUJUM-1I’ve taken over ZombieMamma this week and that includes the Tune of the Week. However since it’s not my site, and I like to be a rebel, I’m breaking the rules…. I am bringing you two tunes  because I really could not pick just one. Also, while both groups are essentially Korean, these singles are not. Boyfriend is extremely active in Japan and “My Avatar” is their newest Japanese single. Super Junior is a large group based in Korea, but that little ‘M’ attached to the end means it is their Mandarin subgroup, and thus “Swing” was released in China. Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Boyfriend “My Avatar” & Super Junior M “Swing””

KeopiTalk: U-KISS “Break Up”

KpopKolorado: Hi ladies.  Welcome to another edition of KeopiTalk yayyy! 😀


missienelly: Hello! I’m excited!!!


Zombie: Me too! I’m super excited to be talking about U-KISS’s latest Japanese release, “Break Up.” In part because I don’t think they get nearly the recognition they deserve (and I want to change that, if at all possible) and in part because Hoon makes me smile…

hooon Continue reading “KeopiTalk: U-KISS “Break Up””

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