TUNE OF THE WEEK: iKON “Love Scenario”

I’m pretty sure this week’s “Tune” comes as a HUGE surprise to… absolutely no one! Yeah… I know. I should probably work on keeping my biases more in check. But really, where’s the fun in that? Besides, with a song as flipping fantastic as “Love Scenario” well… There’s every reason in the world to be freaking out right now. So here. I. Goooooooooooo…

Okay, so maybe I really need to reconsider my level of coffee consumption, especially right before I sit down to write…

Caffeine buzz aside, I really am in love with both iKON’s “Love Scenario” and their new album as a whole, and it’s not just because I’m letting my inner fangirl go crazy . If you haven’t had a chance to check out the group’s second full-length album, Return, I’d highly recommend you do so. The entire album is chock full of the musical magic only iKON can create; songs like “Beautiful” and “잊지마요,” “Just Go” and, of course, “Love Scenario.”

Oh “Love Scenario!” How do I even being to sing your praises? You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a “we were once so happy and now you’re nothing more than a beautiful memory that I’ll look back on from time to time and smile over but will never have in my life again” type of song and so much more! Your beat makes me want to dance, while your lyrics make my heart ache. You stir my very soul and for that, I love you.

It’s kind of funny to me that a song about breaking up and moving on would be so darn catchy but at the same time, why shouldn’t it be? “Love Scenario” isn’t a song about some awful breakup or the scars left by some evil former lover who turned into a snake. It’s just a song about a love that was beautiful while it lasted but is now nothing more than a memory. It’s probably one of the sweetest and saddest ways to talk about a former love and I think it’s perfect in every way.

Of course the fangirl in me loves this song (and its accompanying MV) for so many other reasons. Reasons like…




Yeah… It doesn’t take a lot to convince me now does it?


It really doesn’t…


Oh, sorry…

What was I saying again???

I think I was saying something about how much I love this video and how great it is to have a chance to watch Junhoe wiggle and smirk and bite his lip and Bobby to strut and smolder and.. and… Oh frickin’ heck! How am I supposed to think with these darn boys befuddlin’ my brain!?!

Clearly my fangirl self needs to go jump in a frozen lake so it’s probably best if I just wrap things up here.

I’ve been waiting over 2 years for iKON to release another full album and now that it’s here, I really couldn’t be happier. This album, this title track, this comeback as a whole is everything I was hoping it would be. Of course, as fun as it is to squeal over biases the best part about this comeback is having a brand new gem of an LP to add to my K-Pop library. I’ve been dancing to this album for the past week now and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

But what about you? Have you been enjoying iKON’s comeback as much as I have? Have any thoughts on Return or “Love Scenario” you’d like to share? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me hear from you in the comments below!